The dataset is used in machine learning method of the "A distributed Front-end Edge node assessment model by using Fuzzy and a learning-to-rank method" paper
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VideoSupplement "SEM-assisted (LVEM-assisted) isopotential mapping of dielectric charging of the nonwoven fabric structures using Sobel–Feldman operator (Sobel filter)" for our article in russian journal (translated in English).
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This dataset is related to the paper "A distributed Front-end Edge node assessment method by using a learning-to-rank method"
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The fringes disappearance phenomenon in the self-mixing interferometry occurs whenever the external round-trip phase at free-running state is modulated by either external modulation such as external cavity length changes or internal modulation when the laser injection current is modulated with a high back-scattered light power. This phenomenon has been observed by many authors for harmonic motion or vibration application, and more recently in the case of the absolute distance measurement scheme when the laser injection current is modulated in the triangle waveform.
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This data is very useful for reseacher. The chest displacement of human was measured remotely in three categories, high, low and normal breathing rates.
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For a detailed describtion of this dataset see accompanying publication "Stand-alone Heartbeat Detection in Multidimensional Mechanocardiograms" by Kaisti M., et al. IEEE Sensors 2018, 10.1109/JSEN.2018.2874706. This datasets consists of 29 mechanocardiogram recordings with ECG reference from healthy subjects in supine position. All data were recorded with sensors attached to the sternum using double-sided tape. Mechanocardigrams incude 3-axis accelorometer signals (seismocardiograms) and 3-axis gyroscope signals (gyrocardiograms).
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Testings of spectrozonal analog lab-on-a-chip with angle-sensitive pixels (ASP) using diode laser sources in combined nanosecond reflectometric and stroboscopic oscilloscopic measurements.
FILE 1: Combined nanosecond reflectometric and stroboscopic oscilloscopic analysis for RF lab-on-a-chip.mp4
00:15 - Wavelength: 405 nm (DPSS);
00:57 - Wavelength: 650 nm (laser diode source);
FILE 2: Analog angle-sensitive pixel lab-on-a-chip testing using nanosecond stroboscopic oscilloscope.mp4
00:20 - Zero Point Calibration (ZPC);
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Microfluidic Lab-on-a-dish (3D printing).
O.V. Gradov group, INEPCP RAS, 2017-2018.
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This database includes data measured by Qualcomm's 60GHz mmWave Radar.
It includes:
Face signature data base: radar face scan data of 206 individuals for face recognition.
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