
The GDP per capita for countries is shown in this dataset for the different years. This economic metric shows the economic output per person and determines the country’s situation based on its economic growth. This dataset can be used to analyze the prosperity of a country based on its economic growth. Countries with higher GDP per countries are determined to be developed whereas countries with low GDP per capita are determined to be developing countries. This dataset can be used to analyze a country’s wealth and prosperity.
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This is a fictional data set, provided by the IBM. These data set contains atmost 30 features of categorical and discreet data. These data are kind of both numerical and text values which help in analysing the employee data from hiring to firing and on boarding to attrition.
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This dataset contains information about employees in 14 Texas administrations: salary, job title, work experience, gender, ethnicity...
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Please cite the following paper when using this dataset:
N. Thakur, "Twitter Big Data as a Resource for Exoskeleton Research: A Large-Scale Dataset of about 140,000 Tweets from 2017–2022 and 100 Research Questions", Journal of Analytics, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2022, pp. 72-97, DOI:
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Mother’s Significant Feature (MSF) Dataset has been designed to provide data to researchers working towards woman and child health betterment. MSF dataset records are collected from the Mumbai metropolitan region in Maharashtra, India. Women were interviewed just after childbirth between February 2018 to March 2021. MSF comprise of 450 records with a total of 130 attributes consisting of mother’s features, father’s features and health outcomes. A detailed dataset is created to understand the mother’s features spread across three phases of her reproductive age i.e.
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