The ability of detecting human postures is particularly important in several fields like ambient intelligence, surveillance, elderly care, and human-machine interaction. Most of the earlier works in this area are based on computer vision. However, mostly these works are limited in providing real time solution for the detection activities. Therefore, we are currently working toward the Internet of Things (IoT) based solution for the human posture recognition.
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Supplementary Material To: A Unified Perception Benchmark for Capacitive Proximity Sensing Towards Safe Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC)
-- Accepted for presentation at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021 Xi'an, China
-- Final formal acceptance pending
-- Conference proceedings pending
Paper Abstract:
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Temperature profiles for thermal detection.
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The dataset contains medical signs of the sign language including different modalities of color frames, depth frames, infrared frames, body index frames, mapped color body on depth scale, and 2D/3D skeleton information in color and depth scales and camera space. The language level of the signs is mostly Word and 55 signs are performed by 16 persons two times (55x16x2=1760 performance in total).
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Coventry-2018 is a human activity recognition dataset captured by three Panasonic® Grid-EYE (AMG8833) infrared sensors in March 2018. The Grid-EYE sensors represent a 60 field of view scene by an 8 × 8 array named frame. The data streams are synchronized to 10 frames per second and saved as *.csv recordings using the LabVIEW® software. Two layouts are considered in this dataset with different geometry sizes: 1) small layout; and 2) large layout.
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Database set information
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This article describes the possible design of the electron-ion trap combined density sensor and the composition of the upper atmosphere and simulation of the processes occurring in it. The simulation of the electric field between the electrodes of the trap and the motion of charged particles in it is carried out. The calculation of the maximum speed and energy of the particles below which the trap holds all charged particles, even in the case of the most unfavorable direction of their speed – along the gap between the electrodes.
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A Indústria enfrenta desafios graves e fracassa sem competitividade. Atacando esta problemática, conferiu-se o oferecimento de maior eficiência a processos industriais para promover a produtividade, elevar a qualidade e impulsionar mudanças. A solução desenvolvida incluiu dispositivos com sensores não invasivos, simples de instalar, que contabilizam os itens sendo transportados em linhas de produção.
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We document a feedback controller design for a nonlinear electrostatic transducer that exhibits
a~strong unloaded resonance. Challenging features of this type of transducer include the presence
of multiple fixed points (some of which are unstable), nonlinear force-to-deflection transfer,
effective spring-constant softening due to electrostatic loading and associated resonance
frequency shift. Furthermore, due to the utilization of low-pass filters in the electronic readout
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