
This is a videoconference between a witness about murders who is a victim of many crimes and a law firm. This witness is called Colin Paul Gloster. This law firm is called Pais do Amaral Advogados.


\begin{quotation}``A significant part of the background of eh this process is that Hospital

Sobral Cid tortured me during 2013 eh but eh this process is actually

about consequences eh thru through a later process [. . .] To obscure eh

this torture of 2013, eh a new show trial was intitiated. Its process was


Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) are a family of non-coding ribonucleic acids (RNAs) that are involved in protein translation. Cleavage of tRNA through stress-induced ribonucleases results in the production of short tRNA-derived small RNAs (tsRNAs), such as tRNA-derived fragments (tRFs). Recent studies have identified three tRFs - 5'AlaTGC, 5'GluCTC, and 5'GlyGCC - to be released from neurons and significantly elevated in epilepsy patients. Extracellular 5'tRFs are taken up by neurons and act in paracrine to inhibit protein translation.


With the continuous advancement of technology, small and portable physiological sensors that can be worn on the body are quietly integrating into our daily lives, and are expected to greatly enhance our quality of life. In order to further enrich and expand the emotional physiological signals captured by portable wearable devices, we utilized the 14-channel portable EEG acquisition device Emotiv EPOC X, and with emotional video clips as the stimulus source, we collected two sets of emotional EEG signals from two groups of 10 participants each, named EmoX1 and EmoX2.


Brain tumors are among the most severe and life-threatening conditions affecting both children and adults. They constitute approximately 85-90% of all primary Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors, with an estimated 11,700 new cases diagnosed annually. The 5-year survival rate for individuals with malignant brain or CNS tumors is alarmingly low, at 34% for men and 36% for women. Brain tumors are categorized into various types, including benign, malignant, and pituitary tumors.


Stress became a common factor of individuals in this competitive work environment, especially in academics. To address and assess this issue, this MUSEI-EEG dataset provides the Electroencephalogram (EEG) data of 20 undergraduate individuals in the 18-24 years age group (both male and female). Raag Darbari's music-based three-stage paradigm is designed for the subjects for cognitive stress assessment. Through this paradigm, physiological signal-based monitoring of stress level reduction can be observed in reference to stress and anxiety forms filled by the individual.


data for different PUF designs that has been implemented on different FPGA for making a final comparision Table for new PUF disigns and some conventional ones. These data can be useful for any Hardware security implementation to make the decision regarding a PUF. These can be used when anyone need to extract Crptographic KEY.


The dataset consists of EEG recorded non-invasively from five participants while they are performing a handwriting imagery task, in which each participant was instructed to imagine the process of handwriting the 26 English letters. Major preprocessing steps have been conducted, including large-amplitude artifact removal using Independent Component Analysis and bandpass filtering between 0.1-45 Hz.


This dataset consists of MRI images of brain tumors, specifically curated for tasks such as brain tumor classification and detection. The dataset includes a variety of tumor types, including gliomas, meningiomas, and glioblastomas, enabling multi-class classification. Each MRI scan is labeled with the corresponding tumor type, providing a comprehensive resource for developing and evaluating machine learning models for medical image analysis. The data can be used to train deep learning algorithms for brain tumor detection, aiding in early diagnosis and treatment planning.


The EmoReIQ (Emotion Recognition for Iraqi Autism Individuals) dataset is a specialized EEG dataset designed to capture emotional responses in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Typically Developed (TD). It focuses on five core emotions: calm, happy, anger, fear, and sad. The dataset is gathered through an experimental setup using video stimuli to elicit these emotions and records corresponding EEG signals from participants.


We developed a unique and valuable dataset specifically for advancing Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems by recording brain activity from a dedicated volunteer. The participant was asked to pronounce 100 carefully selected Malayalam words, along with their English translations, which were chosen for their relevance to astronauts during human space missions. The volunteer pronounced these words both vocally and subvocally, each word being repeated 50 times. Non-invasive Electroencephalography (EEG) sensors were employed to capture the brain activity associated with these tasks.

