Social Sciences

Virtual influencers have become a key tool in modern marketing due to their high controllability and cost-effectiveness, gradually replacing traditional influencers and celebrities. This study focuses on virtual influencers as brand endorsers, based on signaling theory and attachment theory, exploring the influence of five key characteristics - controllability, interactivity, parasocial relationship, influencer-product congruence, and source credibility on the purchase intension of Chinese Generation Z consumers. The study used a quantitative approach to collect data


In recent years, with the rapid development of generative AI, it has become a popular topic in various fields. This study, based on the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) theory, explores the impact of generative AI on customer experience, trust, purchase intention, and loyalty in cross-border e-commerce platforms, with perceived risk as a moderating variable. The empirical design uses data from a questionnaire survey to investigate how generative AI influences customer behavior.


The TripAdvisor online airline review dataset, spanning from 2016 to 2023, provides a comprehensive collection of passenger feedback on airline services during the COVID-19 pandemic. This dataset includes user-generated reviews that capture sentiments, preferences, and concerns, allowing for an in-depth analysis of shifting customer priorities in response to pandemic-related disruptions. By examining these reviews, the dataset facilitates the study of evolving passenger expectations, changes in service perceptions, and the airline industry's adaptive strategies.


This is a videoconference between a witness about murders who is a victim of many crimes and a law firm. This witness is called Colin Paul Gloster. This law firm is called Pais do Amaral Advogados.


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Sobral Cid tortured me during 2013 eh but eh this process is actually

about consequences eh thru through a later process [. . .] To obscure eh

this torture of 2013, eh a new show trial was intitiated. Its process was


When expressing emotions in daily life, sentences with different personal pronouns as the subject may bring listeners different emotional experiences. This study established and validated an auditory emotional speech dataset consisting of sentences with three types of Mandarin Chinese Personal Pronouns (I and We, singular You and plural You, singular third-person, and They) as the subject, an unprecedented resource.


1.Cora dataset is derived from a multi-group citation network, and the two-group subgraphs are selected for tasks such as graph neural network node classification. The dataset contains sparse Bag-of-Words feature vectors as node attributes, and the labels are mostly academic paper topic categories or fields. This subgraph focuses on the influence of graph structure and node characteristics on model prediction, which provides a reliable experimental benchmark for the research of multi-step adversarial attacks and defense strategies.


This dataset supports the structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis of the impact of emerging IT integration on supply chain resilience. The data were collected using a snowball sampling method, initially distributed to EMBA students at Northwestern Polytechnical University and Xidian University, who were encouraged to share the survey link within their professional networks.


This study focuses on building resilience in electric vehicle (EV) supply chain to address the growing challenges of global market uncertainties. Grounded in dynamic capabilities theory, the study identifies and categorizes 16 key factors influencing Supply Chain Resilience (SCR) through a review of 117 academic papers and data analysis from 8 supply chain experts and 374 EV sup-ply chain enterprises.


        Northern Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean area has faced lots of natural catastrophes to earthquakes last decade. The primary active tectonic structure concentrated in Sub-Saharan Africa. A recent assessment of earthquake seismicity characteristics has been conducted in North Africa.The database of historical and instrumental earthquakes is one of the most crucial tools for evaluating the risk of earthquakes.

