Artificial Intelligence
eye recognition dataset
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Attempts to prevent invasion of marine biofouling on marine vessels are demanding. By developing a system to detect marine fouling on vessels in an early stage of fouling is a viable solution. However, there is a lack of database for fouling images for performing image processing and machine learning algorithm.
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Iris recognition has been an interesting subject for many research studies in the last two decades and has raised many challenges for the researchers. One new and interesting challenge in the iris studies is gender recognition using iris images. Gender classification can be applied to reduce processing time of the identification process. On the other hand, it can be used in applications such as access control systems, and gender-based marketing and so on. To the best of our knowledge, only a few numbers of studies are conducted on gender recognition through analysis of iris images.
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In order to increase the diversity in signal datasets, we create a new dataset called HisarMod, which includes 26 classes and 5 different modulation families passing through 5 different wireless communication channel. During the generation of the dataset, MATLAB 2017a is employed for creating random bit sequences, symbols, and wireless fading channels.
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This dataset page is currently being updated. The tweets collected by the model deployed at are shared here. However, because of COVID-19, all computing resources I have are being used for a dedicated collection of the tweets related to the pandemic. You can go through the following datasets to access those tweets:
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Chinese Hotel Review Dataset
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This dataset was developed at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the Georgia Institute of Technology as part of the ongoing activities at the Center for Energy and Geo-Processing (CeGP) at Georgia Tech and KFUPM. LANDMASS stands for “LArge North-Sea Dataset of Migrated Aggregated Seismic Structures”. This dataset was extracted from the North Sea F3 block under the Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0).
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7200 .csv files, each containing a 10 kHz recording of a 1 ms lasting 100 hz sound, recorded centimeterwise in a 20 cm x 60 cm locating range on a table. 3600 files (3 at each of the 1200 different positions) are without an obstacle between the loudspeaker and the microphone, 3600 RIR recordings are affected by the changes of the object (a book). The OOLA is initially trained offline in batch mode by the first instance of the RIR recordings without the book. Then it learns online in an incremental mode how the RIR changes by the book.
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The dataset contains high-resolution microscopy images and confocal spectra of semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes. Carbon nanotubes allow down-scaling of electronic components to the nano-scale. There is initial evidence from Monte Carlo simulations that microscopy images with high digital resolution show energy information in the Bessel wave pattern that is visible in these images. In this dataset, images from Silicon and InGaAs cameras, as well as spectra, give valuable insights into the spectroscopic properties of these single-photon emitters.
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