
This dataset is in support of my research paper 'Comparative Non-Linear Flux Matrices & Thermal Losses in BLDC with Different Pole Pairs' .

Preprint : https://doi.org/10.36227/techrxiv.19687287.v1

BLDC motors are used in medical industry, ventillators, solar trackers, CNC servodrives, industrial robots, automotive, drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned combat aerial vehicles, electric vehicles - autos, rickshaws, cars, buses etc.

This dataset is useful for investors, manufacturers, business owners, r&d engineers.

 Paper Abstract


This is regarding Dr. Kimotho comment. I m able to access the dataset. This is standard dataset, not open access (I think you need subscription or have to be paid subscriber to access). In case, you want to review the dataset and unable to access, pls again drop comment or email me.

'di.mat' is inside zip file.

Abhishek Bansal

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Mon, 06/06/2022 - 22:19

On request, I have uploaded this data of IEEE DataPort on open access.
Pls see Mendeley Data, V1, doi: https://doi.org/10.17632/g2gytvpfpy.1
Data: Non-Linear Flux & Thermal Losses In 13 BLDC Motors
Abhishek Bansal

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Fri, 05/19/2023 - 07:03

Acknowledgement : The author as such is thankful to none but obliged to his family for bearing his personal endeavours! The papers are submitted under individual and solo category, not representing anyone else. If invited or given any award, he is representing only himself, as an individual and not anyone else, not India as it is criminal by Indian laws. The author cannot, for the humiliation, harassment, and now all wrap up.

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Tue, 10/03/2023 - 13:38

Someone had raised concern "... prohibited to work ...without qualification..."

In my personal case, I am only representing only myself not anyone else, not country. As far as this is taken, it is not criminal.

I am always attaching legal acknowledgement and disclosure, (which some graduates find ...)

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Fri, 10/13/2023 - 13:42

I have stated above but some still taking for granted and if I DO NOT control, they &critics knowcan put me in non-bail jail. You not reading legal disclousure statement, and its clear from both sides as your .. x cannot pay 1/4 of the fresher with 20yr exp., and it is evident the shameless, torture behaviour and coverup with lies even in court, IT IS permanently damaged for coming 1000 years+.
In legal disclosure, I have clearly stated it is criminal by indian laws as was even questioned by registrar in 2015, how did electrical from electronics.
You shouldnot expect anything more than my paid service.

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Wed, 02/14/2024 - 12:47

Dataset Files