
DataSet used in learning process of the traditional technique's operation, considering different devices and scenarios, the proposed approach can adapt its response to the device in use, identifying the MAC layer protocol, perform the commutation through the protocol in use, and make the device to operate with the best possible configuration.


The power flow is usually formulated by nonlinear equations and may present multiple solutions. However, most of these solutions do not represent a practical situation but are mathematical findings. Remarkably, in unbalanced multiphase systems with impedance-grounded loads, a phenomenon can occur where two or more solutions may especially show practical significance. These solutions are called operationally-stable solutions (solutions which for a given loading level the nodal voltages, currents, and losses are feasible) and may be obtained in Distribution Systems (DS).


The data set contains electrical and mechanical signals from experiments on three-phase induction motors. The experimental tests were carried out for different mechanical loads on the induction motor axis and different severities of broken bar defects in the motor rotor, including data regarding the rotor without defects. Ten repetitions were performed for each experimental condition.


The objective of this research was to propose an insulated gate driver topology for medium voltage application using a single isolated structure. The proposed approach transmits both power and control signal guarantying a reduction of the circuit complexity compared to other solutions.


This data set is shared to help the readers to reproduce the results (Figure 5 and Figure 6) of the manuscript entitled ‘’Online System Identification of a Fuel Cell Stack with Guaranteed Stability for Energy Management Applications’’ published by IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion.

If you use this data, please cite the following paper :


In this paper, a web-based application for DC Railways networks analysis is presented. The paper provides the guidelines to develop an integrated simulation framework containing different elements like server, databases, visual analytic tools using open-source software. In this case, the proposed application allows to design a DC railway feeding system and analyse the impact of the different agents like vehicles, substations, overhead feeding systems, on-board and wayside energy storage systems, etc.


Imagine you just moved to your brand-new home and hired your energy provider. They tell you that based on the provided information they will set up a direct debit of €50/month. However, at the end of the year, that prediction was not quite accurate, and you end up paying a settlement amount of €300, or if you are lucky, they give you back some money. Either way, you will probably be disappointed with your energy provider and might consider moving on to another one. Predicting energy consumption is currently a key challenge for the energy industry as a whole.

Last Updated On: 
Tue, 07/20/2021 - 06:35

Dataset of the signals monitored in a typical overfeed refrigeration system. The system is composed of two compressors in parallel, four evaporative condensers and various evaporators distributed in the different spaces to refrigerate. The dataset contains variables from all the main components of the refrigeration system such as the compressors, the condensers and the evaporators, with additional information about the outdoor temperature, the temperature of the refrigerated spaces and all the set points.


Objective Function Linearization


The large variability of system and types of heating load is a feature of the commercial metering of thermal energy. Heating consumption depends on many factors, for example, wall and roof material, floors number, system (opened and closed) etc. The daily data from heating meters in the residential buildings are presented in this dataset for comparing the thermal characteristics. These data are supplemented by floors number, wall material and year of construction, as well as data on average daily outdoor temperatures.

