The Magnetic Resonance – Computed Tomography (MR-CT) Jordan University Hospital (JUH) dataset has been collected after receiving Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval of the hospital and consent forms have been obtained from all patients. All procedures followed are consistent with the ethics of handling patients’ data.
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The Magnetic Resonance – Computed Tomography (MR-CT) Jordan University Hospital (JUH) dataset has been collected after receiving Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval of the hospital and consent forms have been obtained from all patients. All procedures followed are consistent with the ethics of handling patients’ data.
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This dataset is in support of my following Research papers
Preprint (Make sure you have read Caution) :
- Novel ß Transtibial Prosthetic 9-DoF Artificial Leg Adaptive Controller - Part I*
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Image : Image was made by me for other International Contest (held by some Medical Institute,USA in the year 2021), 'An intuitive of electromagnetic radiation flowing over epithelial tissue'.
This is an open-access page. All content can be freely downloaded after sign-up. This webpage contains datasets and models, which are in support of my Research claim/discovery.
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Ten volunteers were trained through a series of twelve daily lessons to type in a computer using the Colemak keyboard layout. During the fourth-, eight-, and eleventh-session, electroencephalography (EEG) measurements were acquired for the five trials each subject performed in the corresponding lesson. Electrocardiography (ECG) data at each of those trials were acquired as well. The purpose of this experiment is to aim in the development of different methods to assess the process of learning a new task.
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This Dataset contains EEG recordings from epileptic rats. The genetic absence epilepsy rats (GAERS) are one of the best-established rodent models for generalized epilepsy. The rats show seizures with characteristic "spike and wave discharge" EEG patterns. Experiments were performed in accordance with the German law on animal protection and were approved by the Animal Care and Ethics Committee of the University of Kiel.
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Participants were 61 children with ADHD and 60 healthy controls (boys and girls, ages 7-12). The ADHD children were diagnosed by an experienced psychiatrist to DSM-IV criteria, and have taken Ritalin for up to 6 months. None of the children in the control group had a history of psychiatric disorders, epilepsy, or any report of high-risk behaviors.
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The behavioral and ERP Data of online shopping festival experiment
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