
This dataset comprises data from six experimental participants, each undergoing nine walking trials. Each participant engaged in three trials of low-speed walking, three trials of medium-speed walking, and three trials of high-speed walking. The dataset includes multi-channel electromyography (EMG) data and center of pressure/ground reaction force (COP/GRF) data. Specifically, EMG data is utilized to extract muscle coordination activation time coefficients during human walking, and a deep learning model is established based on these coefficients to predict COP/GRF parameters.
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Calcium imaging visualizes specific activity of neurons through active sensors, which makes it easy to study the neuronal behavior of animals' learning processes and cognition and helps to promote the use of animal models for neuroscience research. However, motion artifacts and background noise can affect calcium imaging, especially when watching awake animals while they are exposed to low-dose laser irradiation. This makes it impossible to fully understand how neural circuits work. As a result, imaging results are often warped and contain significant random noise.
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by qualitative impairment in social reciprocity, and by repetitive, restricted, and stereotyped behaviors/interests. Previously considered rare, ASD is now recognized to occur in more than 1% of children. Despite continuing research advances, their pace and clinical impact have not kept up with the urgency to identify ways of determining the diagnosis at earlier ages, selecting optimal treatments, and predicting outcomes. For the most part this is due to the complexity and heterogeneity of ASD.
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We conducted a randomized controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of a brain-computer interface ( BCI ) -based visual and motor feedback motor imagery therapy system on cognitive, psychological and limb movement in hemiplegic stroke patients. We recruited more than 100 patients and randomly divided them into three groups : conventional treatment group, MI group and MI group based on brain-computer interface. The data set contains the evaluation data of these three groups of patients before and after treatment.
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This article provides an introduction to the field of datasets, including their types, characteristics, and applications. Datasets refer to collections of data that have been organized for specific purposes. They can come in various forms, including structured data, unstructured data, and semi-structured data. Each type of dataset has its own unique characteristics and uses. For example, structured data typically includes datasets that have been organized into tables and rows, such as spreadsheets or databases, while unstructured data typically includes text, images, and videos.
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Bionic vision systems are currently limited by indiscriminate activation of all retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) – despite the dozens of known RGC types which each encode a different visual message. Here, we use spike-triggered averaging to explore how electrical responsiveness varies across RGC types toward the goal of using this variation to create type-selective electrical stimuli. A battery of visual stimuli and a randomly distributed sequence of electrical pulses were delivered to healthy and degenerating (4-week-old rd10) mouse retinas.
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The concept of wellness, as proposed by Halbert L. Dunn, recognizes the importance of multiple dimensions, such as social and mental well-being, in maintaining overall health. Neglecting these dimensions can have long-term negative consequences on an individual's mental well-being. In the context of traditional in-person therapy sessions, efforts are made to manually identify underlying factors that contribute to mental disturbances, as these factors, if triggered, can potentially lead to severe mental health disorders.
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This dataset collects the responses elicited in 10 different subjects brain when imagining 10 different semantic categories of stimuli belonging to visual and auditory domain.
The responses are acquired using an electrodes cap. The 126 electrodes are placed accordin to the 10/5% system by Oostenveld.
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Design of EEG-TMS experiment. The figure shows the timeline of the experimental session, the illustration of the typical sequence of the visual cues and the structure of one trial, and the illustration of the time intervals of interest within a trial: Pre is the baseline pre-que interval [-4.5 -0.5] s; Post is the post-cue interval [0 0.5] s; Img is the interval [1 3] s of motor imagery execution; here, t=0 corresponds to the moment of the appearance of the visual cue to start the movement.
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The paired 3T-7T MRI dataset includes T1- and T2-weighted whole-brain MRI of each participant performed on an investigational 7T MAGNETOM MR system with a 32-channel receiver and a 1-channel transmit birdcage head coil (Nova Medical, Wilmington, MA, USA) and a 3T MAGNETOM Prisma MR system equipped with a 64-channel eachphased-array head coil (Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany) on the same day at Beijing MRI Center for Brain Research (BMCBR). Twenty volunteers aged 18-25 years (10 males and 10 females) recruited from a university were enrolled.
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