
This dataset is in support of my 5 Research papers


  • Paper 1 : Investigating Myocardial Infarction from Nonlinear Mechanical Behaviour of Collagen Arteries
  • Paper 2 : Investigating Bio-Electrical Cardiac Tissue Arrhythmia using FitzHugh-Nagumo
  • Paper 3 : 

This dataset is made using existing known techniques and has been used to assist in designing model. The technique used is not made by me, I have only explored more possibilites in the mathematical calculations and design.

Datasets can be used by doctors or pharmacologists. 


Related Claim : Novel ß-Bio Model of Heart (Male), Novel ß-Bio Model of Heart (Female), Novel ß-Bio Models

Image Source : https://njvvc.com/the-anatomy-of-a-vein/


Read Me

(1)  This  neither contain any complete project folder nor any source code of project. All work is simple,known on basic and elementary concepts, can be easily copied, remade and understood.

(2) Extra Libraries created, modified , other scripts , not shared, as very elementary for any graduate,degree holder. 

(3) Datasets are given in both .txt and .csv, as changing format is time consuming. Datasets are highly compressed, so it may take hour to decompress.

(4)  For other details like block/circuit diagram, set up, analysis, interpretation, parameters, mathematical formulae used to obtain these results etc. please refer "Research Paper".

(5)  If any problem in creating or copying, pls contact your university professor or board or any of the companies engineer.

(6) Results from Models made by me are not given in this webpage, I will upload them after Patent is granted and all models can then be downloaded freely from open-accessTo download models,  ß-Bio Models-Part I and ß-Bio Models-Part II.

(7) As such, No other question or email will be replied. I may have left completely R&D or other reason. But you may still question, if i will be in this field,  I may answer.


Dataset Files 

Total Datasets = .

1)  Attached files are : 

  • ae1.zip
  • ae2.zip
  • heart_Bubble.zip
  • heart_DL.zip
  • heart_DSD.zip 
  • heart_Hermite.zip 
  • heart_Lagrange.zip 
  • heart_NDL.zip 
  • heart_NS.zip 
  • Paper1.zip 
  • Paper2.zip 
  • Paper3.zip 

2) heart_Lagrange.zip has 8 datasets in .txt and .csv, of size 1.7 GB. The discretization of the partial differential equation is done using Lagrange function.It has datasets - lagrange_cubic.txt, lagrange_linear.txt,  lagrange_quadratic.txt, lagrange_quartic.txt,lagrange_cubic.csv, lagrange_linear.csv, lagrange_quadratic.csv and lagrange_quartic.csv 

3) heart_Hermite.zip has 4 datasets in .txt and .csv, of size 263 MB. The discretization of the partial differential equation is done using Hermite function. It has datasets-hermite_cubic.txt, hermite_quartic.txt, hermite_cubic.csv and hermite_quartic.csv

4) heart_DL.zip has 10 datasets in .txt and .csv. of size 1.2 GB. The discretization of the partial differential equation is done using Discontinuous Lagrange (DL) function.It has datasets - DL_constant.txt, DL_cubic.txt, DL_linear.txt, DL_quadratic.txt,   DL_quartic.txt,  DL_constant.csv,DL_cubic.csv,DL_linear.csv,DL_quadratic.csv and DL_quartic.csv

5) heart_NDL.zip has 8 datasets in .txt and .csv, of size 954 MB. The discretization of the partial differential equation is done using Nodel Discontinuous Lagrange(NDL) function. It has datasets - NDL_constant.txt, NDL_cubic.txt, NDL_linear.txt, NDL_quadratic.txt, NDL_constant.csv, NDL_cubic.csv, NDL_linear.csv and NDL_quadratic.csv 

6) heart_Bubble.zip has 2 datasets in .txt and .csv, of size 191 MB. The discretization of the partial differential equation is done using Bubble function. It has datasets - Bubble_quartic.csv and Bubble_quartic.txt

7) heart_NS.zip has 6 datasets in .txt and .csv, of size 668 MB. The discretization of the partial differential equation is done using Nodel Serendity (NS) function. It has datasets - NS_cubic.csv,  NS_cubic.txt,   NS_quadratic.csv, NS_quadratic.txt, NS_quartic.csv and NS_quartic.txt 

 8) heart_DSD has 10 datasets in .txt and .csv. of size 430 MB. The discretization of the partial differential equation is done using Discontinuous Scalar Density (DSD) function. It has datasets - DSD_constant.csv,   DSD_constant.txt, DSD_cubic.csv, DSD_cubic.txt, DSD_linear.csv, DSD_linear.txt, DSD_quadratic.csv, DSD_quadratic.txt, DSD_quartic.csv and DSD_quartic.txt

9) ae1.zip. ae2.zip each has 10 datasets-  fr.csv, fr.txt, ir.csv, ir.txt, iw.csv, iw.txt, s1.csv, s1.txt, sr.csv,  sr.txt

10) ae1.zip has interpolation and extrapolation linear

11) ae2.zip has interpolation piecewise cubic and  extrapolation as 'nearest function'

12) ae3.zip has interpolation cubic spline and extrapolation as 'nearest function'

13) ae1.zip,ae2.zip, heart_Bubble.zip, heart_DL.zip, heart_DSD.zip, heart_Hermite.zip ,heart_Lagrange.zip ,heart_NDL.zip ,heart_NS.zip are on old work, datasets and old papers. All parameters were in pdf.Due to computer crash, all those papers and other work is lost.

14) Paper1.zip





Paper Citing : If want to cite this in paper etc. ,please refer DoI and/or this url.

Funding: There are no funders for this submission. The  author has himself fully self-financed (for his passion). I expect all these papers, would be nice Shroud for the passion and the price paid.

Acknowlegement :  The author as such thankful to none and does not have any special name to be acknowledged.


updated and corrected dataset

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 01:43

There will be some more uploads in the datasets but as such this is last version in this DOI.
If there will be advanced or other version, it will be submitted in other paper and/or dataset.

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Thu, 12/08/2022 - 00:45

I m not completing research paper, the earlier version got lost in computer crash.
I will not re-write or submit paper as left R&D.
Abhishek Bansal

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Sun, 12/18/2022 - 13:34

Acknowledgement : The author as such is thankful to none but obliged to his family for bearing his personal endeavours! The papers are submitted under individual and solo category, not representing anyone else. If invited or given any award, he is representing only himself, as an individual and not anyone else, not India as it is criminal by Indian laws. The author cannot, for the humiliation, harassment, and now all wrap up.

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Tue, 10/03/2023 - 13:32

Someone had raised concern "... prohibited to work ...without qualification..."

In my personal case, I am only representing only myself not anyone else, not country. As far as this is taken, it is not criminal.

I am always attaching legal acknowledgement and disclosure, (which some graduates find ...)

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Fri, 10/13/2023 - 13:34

I have stated above but some still taking for granted and if I DO NOT control, they &critics knowcan put me in non-bail jail. You not reading legal disclousure statement, and its clear from both sides as your .. x cannot pay 1/4 of the fresher with 20yr exp., and it is evident the shameless, torture behaviour and coverup with lies even in court, IT IS permanently damaged for coming 1000 years+.
In legal disclosure, I have clearly stated it is criminal by indian laws as was even questioned by registrar in 2015, how did electrical from electronics.
You shouldnot expect anything more than my paid service.

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Wed, 02/14/2024 - 12:45

Ref : Email

I had lost all prior work, data.  Relevant new work related to clinical and medicine will be uploaded on 'Data:B-Bio Models-1 , 'Data:B-Bio Models-2', B-Machines, Electro-Magnetic Radiations in Mobiles and Human Body

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Thu, 12/19/2024 - 03:54

Dataset Files