Machine Learning
We present here one of the first studies that attempt to differentiate between genuine and acted emotional expressions, using EEG data. We present the first EEG dataset with recordings of subjects with genuine and fake emotional expressions. We build our experimental paradigm for classification of smiles; genuine smiles, fake/acted smiles and neutral expression. For the full details please refere to our paper entitled:
Discrimination of Genuine and Acted Emotional Expressions using EEG Signal and Machine Learning
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Background: Insomnia as one of the dominant diseases of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been extensively studied in recent years. To explore the novel approaches of research on TCM diagnosis and treatment, this paper presents a strategy for the research of insomnia based on machine learning.
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Game Building statistical analysis
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The data uploaded here shall support the paper
Decision Tree Analysis of ...
which has been submitted to IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (2020, September 25) by the authors
Julian Mattes, Wolfgang Fenz, Stefan Thumfart, Gerhard Haitchi, Pierre Schmit, Franz A. Fellner
During review the data shall only be visible for the reviewers of this paper. Afterwards this abstract will be modified and complemented and a dataset image will be uploaded.
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Gaming consoles are very common connected devices which have evolved in functionality and applications (games and beyond) they support. This diversity of traffic generated from these consoles has diverse quality of service (QoS) requirements. However, in order to offer diverse QoS, ISPs and operators must be able to classify this traffic. To enable research in traffic classification (Machine Learning based or other), we have generated and collected this dataset. This is a labelled dataset collected from a gaming console, PlayStation 4.
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This dataset includes PV power production measured on the SolarTech Lab, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Data are freely available for scientific research purpose and further data validation.
In particular, the dataset is composed of the following variables and specifics, with a time resolution of 1 minute:
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There are two data files. Weibo.json is Micro-blog content, and relationship.json is Micro-blog forwarding relationship.
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To download the dataset click the link provided. To unzip the file, double-click the zipped folder to open it. Then, drag or copy the item from the zipped folder to a new location.
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The data set contains electrical and mechanical signals from experiments on three-phase induction motors. The experimental tests were carried out for different mechanical loads on the induction motor axis and different severities of broken bar defects in the motor rotor, including data regarding the rotor without defects. Ten repetitions were performed for each experimental condition.
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