Mechanical Sensing
For Lissajous scanning the synchronization of both axis is crucial. The laser beam is deflected vertically by the first MEMS mirror, redirected to the second mirror and deflected horizontally. In the proposed master slave concept, the synchronization controller Φ compensates for relative phase errors by duty cycle adjustments while individual PLLs keep each MEMS mirror stabilized. This videos show how the projected grid and center pixel drifts if the synchroniaztion controller between both MEMS mirrors with individual PLLs is turned off.
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Underactuated Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CDPR) employ a number of cables smaller than the degrees of freedom (DoFs) of the end-effector (EE) that they control. As a consequence, the EE is underconstrained and preserves some freedoms even when all actuators are locked, which may lead to undesirable oscillations. This paper proposes a methodology for the computation of the EE natural oscillation frequencies, whose knowledge has proven to be convenient for control purposes.
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Program folder contains all the programs used in the paper. The program is based on tensorflow 2.2.The data folder contains manually generated data and bearing data.
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Raw data of positioning experiment and tracking experiment for "A Laser-Guided Solution to Manipulate Mobile Robot Arm Terminals within a Large Workspace"
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This dataset presents the measurements corresponding to the article "Validation of a Velostat-Based Pressure Sensitive Mat for Center of Pressure Measurements". You will find the data corresponding to an affordable commercial mat, a Velostat-based mat prototype, and a commercial force platform. The results obtained in the above-mentioned article can be reproduced with them.
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This data gives the testing data of the 6-DoF maglev rotary table including step response, slope tracking, multi-axis motion. With the numerical wrench model and harmonic force model employed in the control system, the dynamic responses have some differences. Each opj file contains the test group (numerical wrench model) and control group (analytical harmonic model).
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Stable and efficient walking strategies for humanoid robots usually relies on assumptions regarding terrain characteristics. If the robot is able to classify the ground type at the footstep moment, it is possible to take preventive actions to avoid falls and to reduce energy consumption.
This dataset contains raw data from 10 inertial and torque sensors of a humanoid robot, sampled after the impact between foot and ground. There are two types of data: simulated using gazebo and data from a real robot.
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