This dataset presents a comprehensive video collection of Internet of Things (IoT) products, encompassing both market successes and failures. Its primary focus is to explore the vision, technology, and capabilities of these IoT innovations, recognizing that products not viable today might inspire or become feasible in the future due to advancements in technology and reductions in manufacturing costs. The collection is particularly valuable for a wide array of stakeholders in IoT, including educators, researchers, product designers, and manufacturers.
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This is a part of the data map of the distribution of base stations in China. This includes 54,718 entries about base stations. Data mainly contain the MCC, newsun focus, LAC, CELL, LNG, LAT, O_LNG, O_LAT, PRECISION, ADDRESS, DAY, REGION, CITY, COUNTRY this 14 items. LNG and LAT are the longitude and latitude data, respectively, and the location of each base station can be determined according to the data under these two categories. This is a part of the data map of the distribution of base stations in China. This includes 54,718 entries about base stations.
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We define personal risk detection as the timely identification of when someone is in the midst of a dangerous situation, for example, a health crisis or a car accident, events that may jeopardize a person’s physical integrity. We work under the hypothesis that a risk-prone situation produces sudden and significant deviations in standard physiological and behavioural user patterns. These changes can be captured by a group of sensors, such as the accelerometer, gyroscope, and heart rate.
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As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to evolve, securing IoT networks and devices remains a continuing challenge.The deployment of IoT applications makes protection more challenging with the increased attack surfaces as well as the vulnerable and resource-constrained devices. Anomaly detection is a crucial procedure in protecting IoT. A promising way to perform anomaly detection on IoT is through the use of machine learning algorithms. There is a lack in the literature to identify the optimal (with regard to both effectiveness and efficiency) anomaly detection models for IoT.
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The enhanced dataset is a sophisticated collection of simulated data points, meticulously designed to emulate real-world data as collected from wearable Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This dataset is tailored for applications in safety monitoring, particularly for women, and is ideal for developing machine learning models for distress or danger detection.
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The advent of the Internet of Things has increased the interest in automating mission-critical processes from domains such as smart cities. These applications' stringent Quality of Service (QoS) requirements motivate their deployment through the Cloud-IoT Continuum, which requires solving the NP-hard problem of placing the application's services onto the infrastructure's devices. Moreover, as the infrastructure and application change over time, the placement needs to continuously adapt to these changes to maintain an acceptable QoS.
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This dataset contains measured data from five sensor modules designed for monitoring the oxygen concentration in the air in a hospital environment, especially in rooms where oxygen therapy can potentially occurs. This data is crucial from a safety point of view, as a higher oxygen concentration can increase the risk of fire development.
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This dataset is collected to benchmark different software algorithms for UWB indoor localization. The dataset is collected in a controlled environment with mm-accurate groundtruth to evaluate different algorithms. The data is collected with the Wi-Pos UWB system,a platform developed for research data collection with a wireless long-range Sub-GHz backbone combined with UWB ranging based on the DW1000. The UWB is configured with a center frequency of 6489.6 MHz, a bandwidth of 499.2 MHz (channel 5) and a preamble length of 1024 symbols.
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The Numerical Latin Letters (DNLL) dataset consists of Latin numeric letters organized into 26 distinct letter classes, corresponding to the Latin alphabet. Each class within this dataset encompasses multiple letter forms, resulting in a diverse and extensive collection. These letters vary in color, size, writing style, thickness, background, orientation, luminosity, and other attributes, making the dataset highly comprehensive and rich.
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When designing task scheduling algorithms in mobile edge computing (MEC), the mobile device (MD)'s mobility becomes an important concern, since the change in MD's location would affect the data transmission rate, leading to fluctuations in task transmission duration and completion time. In this paper, we study a mobility-aware task off-and-downloading scheduling problem in MEC, considering both the communication delay and energy consumption caused by the data offloading and the result downloading.
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