Computational Intelligence

The Magnetic Resonance – Computed Tomography (MR-CT) Jordan University Hospital (JUH) dataset has been collected after receiving Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval of the hospital and consent forms have been obtained from all patients. All procedures followed are consistent with the ethics of handling patients’ data.


The Magnetic Resonance – Computed Tomography (MR-CT) Jordan University Hospital (JUH) dataset has been collected after receiving Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval of the hospital and consent forms have been obtained from all patients. All procedures followed are consistent with the ethics of handling patients’ data.


Following the success of the previous editions at WCCI 2018 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and CEC/GECCO 2019 (New Zealand and Prague, Czechia) we are launching a more challenging algorithm competition at major international conferences in the field of computational intelligence. This WCCI & GECCO 2020 competition proposes two testbeds in the energy domain:


Following the success of the previous editions (CEC, GECCO, WCCI), we are launching a more challenging competition at major conferences in the field of computational intelligence. This GECCO 2021 competition proposes two tracks in the energy domain:

Last Updated On: 
Wed, 02/24/2021 - 10:38
Citation Author(s): 
Fernando Lezama, Joao Soares, Bruno Canizes, Zita Vale, Ruben Romero

YonseiStressImageDatabase is a database built for image-based stress recognition research. We designed an experimental scenario consisting of steps that cause or do not cause stress; Native Language Script Reading, Native Language Interview, Non-native Language Script Reading, Non-native Language Interview. And during the experiment, the subjects were photographed with Kinect v2. We cannot disclose the original image due to privacy issues, so we release feature maps obtained by passing through the network.


Animal recognition is an active research topic in recent years. Horse’s recognition is an important task in the world and  in  order  to  promote  horse’s  recognition  research,  the  Tunisian  Research  Groups  in  Intelligent  Machines  of University of Sfax (REGIM of Sfax) will provide the Tunisian Horses DataBase of Regim Lab’2015 (THoDBRL’2015) freely of charge to mainly horses’ face recognition researchers and to increase total of researches done to enhance animal recognition. This Database is used in [1].


Animal detection is an active research topic in recent years. Horse’s face detection is an important task in the world and in order to promote horse’s detection and recognition research, the REGIM-Lab.: REsearch Groups in Intelligent Machines, ENIS, University of Sfax, Tunisia will provide the Tunisian Horse Detection Database (THDD) freely of charge to mainly horses’ face detection researchers and to increase total of researches done to enhance animal detection.


Social images analysis from social networks is considered as one of the most popular social technologies. Social images analysis is an active research topic in recent years and in order to promotes social images’s analysis research, the REGIM-Lab.: REsearch Groups in Intelligent Machines, ENIS, University of Sfax, Tunisia provides the SmartCityZen database’2016 freely of charge to social images analysis researchers.


Social images analysis from social networks is considered as one of the most popular social technologies. Social images analysis is an active research topic in recent years and in order to promotes social images’s analysis research, the REGIM-Lab.: REsearch Groups in Intelligent Machines, ENIS, University of Sfax, Tunisia provides the Sm@rtCityZen social images database freely of charge to social images analysis researchers.

