Artificial Intelligence
Los datos empleados en el análisis del estudio fueron obtenidos del sistema SAP del Departamento Comercial de la Compañía Nacional de Electricidad (CNEL EP) Unidad de Negocio Esmeraldas. Estos datos consisten en registros originales de consumo mensual de energía eléctrica facturada (expresada en kilovatios-hora, kWh) durante un periodo de 25 meses (enero de 2021 a enero 2023). Estos registros pertenecen a 136218 clientes aproximadamente de del sector residencial de la provincia de Esmeraldas.
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This study used datasets from two hospitals. These data were collaborated by physician diagnosis. Before using the data obtained from the two hospitals, the data were processed in such a way that no personal data such as names, addresses or phone numbers were stored in the dataset. Therefore, third parties cannot identify personal data in the dataset. Consent was also obtained from the hospitals where the data were collected and from the individuals participating in this study.
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The dataset is obtained through the transformation of mathematical tools and image processing techniques based on TTPLA. The original TTPLA dataset consisted of aerial wire data captured through pinhole cameras. After our conversion, we obtained the corresponding fisheye aerial wire data. It includes both the original images and annotated images, significantly reducing the annotation workload for fisheye wire data. We now make it publicly available for researchers to study and learn from.
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This manuscript proposes an approach to fuzzing test based on basic block vulnerabilities. Existing directed fuzzing test techniques rely on manual intervention to identify vulnerabilities and lack automated localization methods or are not efficient enough for localization.
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We have created a new in-Air Signature dataset using Smart Phone that we called IASSP dataset. Forty participants voluntarily took part in each of the two databases’ construction. Each participant signs in the air five signatures and imitates five signatures of five other participants.
The participants were seated in a comfortable chair, with their dominant hand placed approximately 7 cm away from the camera of a smartphone, which was directly in front of them.
The data recorded on two files:
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Dataset Description:
Based on some real-world events, the dataset offers a synthetic representation of 5G network states and metrics during a high traffic event, such as a major sports gathering in a city. Each row corresponds to a unique record capturing the attributes of the network at a particular moment, and each column corresponds to a specific feature or attribute.
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Please cite the following paper when using this dataset:
N. Thakur, K. A. Patel, I. Hall, Y. N. Duggal, and S. Cui, “A Dataset of Search Interests related to Disease X originating from different Geographic Regions”, Preprints 2023, 2023081701, DOI:
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We used Sentinel-2 images to create the dataset In order to estimate sequestered carbon in the above-ground forest Biomass. Moreover, fieldwork was completed to gather related forest biomass volume. The clipped image has a size of 1115 × 955 pixels and consists of bands 3, 4, and 8, which correspond to green, red, and near-infrared.
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Data from NASA Power Project, aiming the study of solar irradiance in the Amazon Basin, focusing 12 cities in the Amazonas State, Brazil. The data is daily basis, the target variable is the solar irradiance, and the input variables are the local temperature, local air humidity, local wind speed at 10m, local wind direction at 10m, percentage of the sky coverture, the total precipitation corrected. The time span covers 2017 to 2023. Deep learning has grown among the prediction tools used within renewable energy options.
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