Trees / NoTrees Sattellite Imagery Dataset

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This dataset is derived from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery.
The main goal is to employ this dataset to train and classify images into two classes: with trees, and without trees.
The structure of the dataset is 2 folders named: "tree" (images containing trees) and "no-trees" (images without presence of trees).
Each folder contains 5200 images of this type.

+ M.Ç.Aksoy (2022). Trees in Satellite Imagery [Dataset].
+ Helber, P., Bischke, B., Dengel, A., & Borth, D. (2019). Eurosat: A novel dataset and deep learning benchmark for land use and land cover classification. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12(7), 2217-2226.

Funding Agency: 
University of Malaga