computer vision
Basil/Tulsi Plant is harvested in India because of some spiritual facts behind this plant,this plant is used for essential oil and pharmaceutical purpose. There are two types of Basil plants cultivated in India as Krushna Tulsi/Black Tulsi and Ram Tulsi/Green Tulsi.
Many of the investigator working on disease detection in Basil leaves where the following diseases occur
1) Gray Mold
2) Basal Root Rot, Damping Off
3) Fusarium Wilt and Crown Rot
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INDIA is the second-largest fruit and vegetable exporter in the world after China. It ranked first in the production of Bananas, Papayas, and Mangoes. Public datasets of fruits are available but they are limited to general fruit classes and failed to classify the fruits according to the fruit quality. To overcome this problem, we have created a dataset named FruitsGB (Fruits Good/Bad) dataset.
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This is the data for paper "Environmental Context Prediction for Lower Limb Prostheses with Uncertainty Quantification" published on IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2020.2993399. For more details, please refer to
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Nextmed project is a software platform for the segmentation and visualization of medical images. It consist on a series of different automatic segmentation algorithms for different anatomical structures and a platform for the visualization of the results as 3D models.
This dataset contains the .obj and .nrrd files that correspond to the results of applying our automatic lung segmentation algorithm to the LIDC-IDRI dataset.
This dataset relates to 718 of the 1012 LIDC-IDRI scans.
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Egocentric vision is important for environment-adaptive control and navigation of humans and robots. Here we developed ExoNet, the largest open-source dataset of wearable camera images of real-world walking environments. The dataset contains over 5.6 million RGB images of indoor and outdoor environments, which were collected during summer, fall, and winter. 923,000 of the images were human-annotated using a 12-class hierarchical labelling architecture.
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Dataset was created as part of joint efforts of two research groups from the University of Novi Sad, which were aimed towards development of vision based systems for automatic identification of insect species (in particular hoverflies) based on characteristic venation patterns in the images of the insects' wings.The set of wing images consists of high-resolution microscopic wing images of several hoverfly species. There is a total of 868 wing images of eleven selected hoverfly species from two different genera, Chrysotoxum and Melanostoma.
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Our Signing in the Wild dataset consists of various videos harvested from YouTube containing people signing in various sign languages and doing so in diverse settings, environments, under complex signer and camera motion, and even group signing. This dataset is intended to be used for sign language detection.
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