Videomicroscopic Semi-Shadow Visualization of LoC-Si (Lab-on-a-Chip_[based_on]_Silicone) test structures from Institute of Molecular Electronics (D. Shevchenko; founder of Scientific and Production Association "Microbiotechniques" Ltd.) and Russian Academy of Sciences (INEPCP RAS; ICP RAS)
Vis. Tech.: MBS-10 Binocular Stereoscopic Microscope; Indirect Angular Illumination.
Found.: Initiative project (D. Shevchenko, O. Gradov; 2015-2016)
Fab.: JSC “Voskhod” KRLZ*
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This repository contains ROS bags with measurements related to the article "Forklift Positioning System for Pallet Tracking in Industrial Environments". The dataset includes measurements from UWB tags, IMU, Magnetometer and Px4Flow simulated in Gazebo. Also includes the position estimations calculated using the algorithm described in the related paper.
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Orientation tracking of a moving object has a wide
variety of applications, including but not limited to military,
surgical aid, navigation systems, mobile robots, gaming, virtual
reality, and gesture recognition. In this article, a novel algorithm
is presented to automatically track and quantify change of
direction (COD) incident angles or heading angles (i.e. turning
angles) of a moving athlete using the inertial sensor signals from
a microtechnology unit (an inertia measurement unit (IMU))
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This repository contains ROS bags with measurements related to the article "Forklift Positioning System for Pallet Tracking in Industrial Environments". The dataset includes measurements from UWB tags, IMU, Magnetometer and Px4Flow simulated in Gazebo. Also includes the position estimations calculated using the algorithm described in the related paper.
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This repository contains a data base of Cell Signal Quality samples obtained from 4 COTS cellphones. Data shows the dynamics of the cellular signal, and how these can be affected by the presence of human body nearby.
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This is the maintenance service dataset collected in a smart water dispenser company in the year of 2017.
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The electronic system has been design to know the position human body. Of this way the system use a three axis accelerometer to detect five common positions (i) ventral decubitus, (ii) right lateral decubitus, (iii) left lateral decubitus, (iv) supine decubitus and (v) seated. The sensor data was acquire with ten diferrents persons, their each positions was how they felt confortable. The accelerometer acquire data from 3 axis possible (X,Y,Z)
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