LF-module-assisted analog lab-on-a-chip measurements with R- (650 nm), G- (532 nm), B- (405 nm) laser sources for analog lens-less microscopy setups

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LF-module-assisted analog lab-on-a-chip measurements with R- (650 nm), G- (532 nm), B- (405 nm) laser sources


00:59 - Wavelenth: 650 nm (laser diode);

01:25 - Wavelenth: 405 nm (DPSSL);

01:43 - Wavelenth: 532 nm (DPSSSL);



  • “Development of the novel physical methods for complex biomedical diagnostics based on position-sensitive mapping with the angular resolution at the tissue and cellular levels using analytical labs-on-a-chip” (RFBR grant # 16-32-00914) [6 838,27 $ per year];
  • “Lab-on-a-chip development for personalized diagnostics” (FASIE grant 0019125) [3 039,00 $ per year].

LF-module-assisted analog lab-on-a-chip measurements with R- (650 nm), G- (532 nm), B- (405 nm) laser sources


00:59 - Wavelenth: 650 nm (laser diode);

01:25 - Wavelenth: 405 nm (DPSSL);

01:43 - Wavelenth: 532 nm (DPSSSL);