This dataset includes the time series for the simulations described in Table 2 and Table 3.
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This dataset includes real-world time-series statistics from network traffic on real commercial LTE networks in Greece. The purpose of this dataset is to capture the QoS/QoE of three COTS UEs interacting with three edge applications. Specifically, the following features are included: Throughput and Jitter for each UE-Application and Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) for each UE. The interactions were generated from a realistic network behavior in an office by developing multiple network traffic scenarios.
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Opening up of the CBRS band for the secondary users' transmissions poses challenges in the protection of incumbent radar users from co-channel interference. The use of Machine Learning algorithms for addressing these challenges requires representative real-world datasets.This dataset contains overlapping radar and LTE signals captures over-the-air in the shared CBRS band using an experimental testbed composed of software defined radios in RF anechoic chamber.
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Here we provide the dataset containing the power measurements obtained with our RIS prototype, which were carried out in the anechoic chamber of TU Darmstadt.
The use of data here contained is intended only for research purposes.
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Two Matlab scripts are presented.
code1.m : This Matlab script solves the signal design problem (P2) as described in the paper: B. Dulek and S. Gezici, "Optimal Signal Design for Coherent Detection of Binary Signals in Gaussian Noise under Power and Secrecy Constraints". It relates to the simulation depicted in Section IV - Figure 1.
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This dataset includes real-world Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) values from UEs connected to real commercial LTE networks in Greece. Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) is a metric posted by the UEs to the base station (BS). It is linked with the allocation of the UE’s modulation and coding schemes and ranges from 0 to 15 in values. This is from no to 64 QAM modulation, from zero to 0.93 code rate, from zero to 5.6 bits per symbol, from less than 1.25 to 20.31 SINR (dB) and from zero to 3840 Transport Block Size bits.
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Video is a sequence of pictures, which are taken by camera at a short interval of time. A picture in video is called as frame, and the number of frames per second is defined as the frame rate, which denotes the temporal resolution of video. With the higher frame rate, the video contains the more details, such as to the improvement of visual quality for human interpretation or the fine representation for automatic machine perception. A high frame rate relies on the hardware configuration of camera, the higher the frame rate, the more expensive hardware devices.
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Please cite the following paper when using this dataset:
N. Thakur and C.Y. Han, “An Exploratory Study of Tweets about the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant: Insights from Sentiment Analysis, Language Interpretation, Source Tracking, Type Classification, and Embedded URL Detection,” Journal of COVID, 2022, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 1026-1049
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This file contains digital elevation information for 28 troposcatter links from SRTM3 with 90 m resolution. Each folder contains five files, including the subfolder xxxx_DEM_DATA, which contains digital elevation information for the block in which the link is located and can be opened using Global Mapper software via the file xxxxDEM.gmw. The xxxx_PATH.csv stores the elevation information on the tropospheric scattering link. xxxxmap.png gives the link's location on the planar map. xxxx_profile.bmp is the elevation profile of the link.
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