This dataset contains light-field microscopy images and converted sub-aperture images.
The folder with the name "Light-fieldMicroscopeData" contains raw light-field data. The file LFM_Calibrated_frame0-9.tif contains 9 frames of raw light-field microscopy images which has been calibrated. Each frame corresponds to a specific depth. The 9 frames cover a depth range from 0 um to 32 um with step size 4 um. Files with name LFM_Calibrated_frame?.png are the png version for each frame.
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BS-HMS-Dataset is a dataset of the users' brainwave signals and the corresponding hand movement signals from a large number of volunteer participants. The dataset has two parts; (1) Neurosky based Dataset (collected over several months in 2016 from 32 volunteer participants), and (2) Emotiv based Dataset (collected from 27 volunteer participants over several months in 2019).
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Complex networks have been successfully applied to sleep stage analysis and classification. However, whether the electroencephalogram (EEG) montage reference will affect the network properties is still unclear.
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The dataset consists of EEG recordings obtained when subjects are listening to different utterances : a, i, u, bed, please, sad. A limited number of EEG recordings where also obtained when the three vowels were corrupted by white and babble noise at an SNR of 0dB. Recordings were performed on 8 healthy subjects.
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The EEG data were acquired from 16 healthy young adults (age range 22 - 30 years) with no neurological, physical, or psychiatric illness history. All the participants were naive BCI users who had not participated in any related experiments before. Informed consent was received from all participants.
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This material is associated with the PhD Thesis of Javier Olias (which is supervised by Sergio Cruces) and the article:
“EEG Signal Processing in MI-BCI Applications with Improved Covariance Matrix Estimators” by J.Olias, R. Martin-Clemente, M.A. Sarmiento-Vega and S. Cruces,
which was accepted in 2019 by IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering.
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Our state of arousal can significantly affect our ability to make optimal decisions, judgments, and actions in real-world dynamic environments. The Yerkes-Dodson law, which posits an inverse-U relationship between arousal and task performance, suggests that there is a state of arousal that is optimal for behavioral performance in a given task. Here we show that we can use on-line neurofeedback to shift an individual's arousal from the right side of the Yerkes-Dodson curve to the left toward a state of improved performance.
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The proposed signals are used for electromagnetic-based stroke classification. Six realistic head phantom computed from MRI scans, is surrounded by an antenna array of 16 dipole antennas distributed uniformly around the head. These antennas are deployed in a fixed circular array around the head, at a distance of approximately 2-3 mm from the head. A Gaussian pulse covering the bandwidth from 0:7 to 2 GHz is emitted from each of the antennas, sequentially, while all of the antennas capture the scattered signals. Since 16 antennas were used, there are a total of 256 channel signals (i.e.
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This code was used in some previous our articles, such as:
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