
As for the experiment results in the manuscript, we would like to provide the corresponding Transmitted, Measured and Processed data zipped in the folder “Transmitted_Measured_Processed_DATA”, for readers who are interest in the harmonic-based MIMO transceiver and want to reproduce the experiment results shown in the manuscript. All the parameters including sampling rate, modulation frequency, etc., are the same as those in Experiment part.
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The provided dataset computes the exact analytical bit error rate (BER) of the NOMA system in the SISO broadcast channels with the assumption of i.i.d Rayleigh fading channels. The reader has to decide on the following input: 1) Number of users. 2) Modulation orders. 3) Power assignment. 4) Pathloss. 5) Transmit signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The output is stored in a matrix where different rows are for different users while different columns are for different transmit SNRs.
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This dataset is being used to evaluate PerfSim accuracy and speed against a real deployment in a Kubernetes cluster based on sfc-stress workloads.
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This dataset was used in our work "See-through a Vehicle: Augmenting Road Safety Information using Visual Perception and Camera Communication in Vehicles" published in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT). In this work, we present the design, implementation and evaluation of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) perception to achieve a virtual see-through functionality for road vehicles.
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This dataset contains 15 years of data about IT-vacancies from 2006 to 2020 downloaded from using their public API. This site contains about 3 million vacancy descriptions posted by mainly Russian companies.
This dataset can be used for analyzing trends in IT or for creating new educational programs.
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Three well-known Border Gateway Anomalies (BGP) anomalies:
WannaCrypt, Moscow blackout, and Slammer, occurred in May 2017, May 2005, and January 2003, respectively.
The Route Views BGP update messages are publicly available from the University of Oregon Route Views Project and contain:
WannaCrypt, Moscow blackout, and Slammer:
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Appendix data for paper
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