
Multimodal sensor fusion has been widely adopted in constructing scene understanding, perception, and planning for intelligent robotic systems. One of the critical tasks in this field is geospatial tracking, i.e., constantly detecting and locating objects moving across a scene. Successful development of multimodal sensor fusion tracking algorithms relies on large multimodal datasets where common modalities exist and are time-aligned, and such datasets are not readily available.


This dataset originates from a longitudinal study examining the factors contributing to the progression of cardiovascular disease. P This particular research employs the unprocessed sequential actigraph recordings collected from an actigraph device. We evaluate sleep quality based on the two indicators as proposed in our previous study [3] which are weekly sleep quality ‘SleepQualWeek’, and sleep consistency ‘SleepCons’. SleepQualWeek and SleepCons are calculated using the pre-processed attribute set derived from the MESA dataset. 


In the domain of gait recognition, the scarcity of non-simulated, real-world data significantly hampers the performance and applicability of recognition systems. To address this limitation, we present a comprehensive gait recognition dataset - GaitMotion- collected using built-in sensors of Android smartphones in an uncontrolled, real-world environment. This dataset captures the walking activity of 24 subjects (14 females and 10 males) above 18 years old and weighing at least 50 kg.


Well logs are interpreted/processed to estimate the in-situ reservoir properties (petrophysical, geomechanical, and geochemical), which is essential for reservoir modeling, reserve estimation, and production forecasting. The modeling is often based on multi-mineral physics or empirical formulae. When sufficient amount of training data is available, machine learning solution provides an alternative approach to estimate those reservoir properties based on well log data and is usually with less turn-around time and human involvements.


This dataset comprises a range of features, including time slots, device IDs, geographic coordinates (x, y), energy consumption, uplink history, emergency status, QoS pool identifiers, data flags, resource IDs, and data sizes. The device locations are modeled using a Poisson distribution with a spread of \(100\) meters within a \(500 \times 500\) meter area. The uplink history, QoS pool assignments, and data flags are derived from the probabilities of data availability and priority values. 


This video demonstrates the real-time data acquisition and noise reduction capabilities of a CMOS capacitive sensor array (CSA) implemented on an FPGA. The system captures the evaporation process of a deionized water droplet placed on the sensor array, using multiple sampling (MS) and pixel-wise accumulation (PWA) techniques to enhance signal quality and reduce random noise. The system efficiently processes and transmits the data, showcasing the gradual reduction in the droplet's size as it evaporates.


The TiHAN-V2X Dataset was collected in Hyderabad, India, across various Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication types, including Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I), Infrastructure-to-Vehicle (I2V), and Vehicle-to-Cloud (V2C). The dataset offers comprehensive data for evaluating communication performance under different environmental and road conditions, including urban, rural, and highway scenarios.


A modern Wi-Fi-enabled device (e.g., a smartphone) can spontaneously emit unencrypted and anonymized signals to the environment in search of an access point. This signal is called a probe request. Since it is freely available in the open air, one can build a sensor from a Wi-Fi adapter to capture the signal. Once captured, its signal strength can be measured in the form of a Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI).


Radar signals can penetrate non-conducting materials, such as glass, wood, and plastic, which could enable the recognition of user gestures in environments with poor visibility, occlusion, limited accessibility, and privacy sensitivity. This dataset contains nine gestures from 32 participants recorded with a radar through 3 different materials (wood, glass, and PVC) to explore the feasibility of sensing gestures through materials.

