This dataset is in support of my research paper 'Comparison of ElectroMagnetic Emissions & Harmonic Analysis of 20 HP Motor Controlled by 3L NPC Inverter'.
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This is useful for manufacturers and r&d engineers for product costing. For more information, results, conclusions on this, pls read research paper.
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This paper produces a data set containing 1127 images, using VOC12 format, the size of the image is 3840*2160, and the corresponding relation of file names
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This dataset is in support of my 3 research papers - 'Comparative SoC Analysis using Non-Linear Kalman Estimation in 8RC ECM of 72Ah LIB - Part I', ' Comparative SoC Analysis using Non-Linear Kalman Estimation in 8RC ECM of 72Ah LIB - Part II' , and 'Comparative SoC Analysis using Non-Linear Kalman Estimation in 8RC ECM of 72Ah LIB - Part III'.
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DECA is widely used as a protocol to describe the fuel economy and battery load of vehicles. Meanwhile, Carsim is universally accepted as a reliable tool to analyze vehicle dynamics. Therefore, it is of great importance to simulate the DECA with Carsim and provide a proper way to measure the virtual fuel economy of vehicles. It may also contribute to explement related experiments.
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The file contains two arrays
inputs: contains the values of the mechanical parameters of the suspension ordered as kwh ,ksus, kseat, csus, cseat, V
output: contains the corresponding value of the vibration transmitted by the vehicle suspension system
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