Visual tracking methods have achieved a successful development in recent years. Especially the Discriminative Correlation Filter (DCF) based methods have significantly advanced the state-of-the-art in tracking. The advancement in DCF tracking performance is predominantly attributed to powerful features and sophisticated online learning formulations. However, it would come to some troubles if the tracker learns the samples indiscriminately.
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A novel surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate based on integrated circuit (IC) process was designed, using photolithography, etching and other processes on the silicon wafer processing. Its surface morphology and Raman activity were characterized and tested. The relationship between the substrate’s photolithographic pattern and its Raman activity, stability and reproducibility has been analyzed and verified.
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The TMC maintains a map of traffic speed detectors throughout the City. The speed detector themselves belong to various city and state agencies. The Traffic Speeds Map is available on the DOT's website. This data feed contains 'real-time' traffic information from locations where DOT picks up sensor feeds within the five boroughs, mostly on major arterials and highways. DOT uses this information for emergency response and management.
The metadata defines the fields available in this data feed and explains more about the data.
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