Computational Intelligence
We photographed Giemsa-stained thick blood smear slides from 150 P. falciparum infected patients at Chittagong Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh, using a smartphone camera for the different microscopic field of views. Images are captured with 100x magnification in RGB color space with a 3024×4032 pixel resolution. An expert slide reader manually annotated each image at the Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU), Bangkok, Thailand. We de-identified all images andtheir annotations, and archived them at the National Library of Medicine (IRB#12972).
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Emergency managers of today grapple with post-hurricane damage assessment that is often labor-intensive, slow,costly, and error-prone. As an important first step towards addressing the challenge, this paper presents the development of benchmark datasets to enable the automatic detection ofdamaged buildings from post-hurricane remote sensing imagerytaken from both airborne and satellite sensors. Our work has two major contributions: (1) we propose a scalable framework to create benchmark datasets of hurricane-damaged buildings
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The dataset was constructed by capturing real-time background traffic of 9 applications. The 9 applications represent different types of network behaviour in the background, for high level of network
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The Geomagnetic field can be used for classifying different landmark locations inside a big building.
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This folder contains the code and datasets necessary for performing experiments on the Steimann and Defects4J coverage matrices detailed in "Doric: Foundations for Statistical Fault Localisation". See the README.txt inside the folder for further details.
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Context: Multiple types of processing units (e.g., CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs) can be used jointly to achieve better performance in computational systems. However, these units are built with fundamentally different characteristics and demand attention especially towards software deployment.
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# of original news:30;
# of candidate news:25899;
# of reprinted news (no source label):4234 (537)
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