Biomedical and Health Sciences
Evidence-based guidelines have been proved to exhibit a positive impact on the quality of the treatment process. However, their influence on patient care remains limited. For the success and effectiveness of clinical guidelines, a fast and clear provision of knowledge at the point of care for all treating physicians is essential. A uniform formal representation is developed so that the knowledge extracted from the patient data is consistently presented at the human-machine interface.
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This dataset include lncRNA-disease association and disease semantic similarity matrix
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Changes in left ventricular (LV) aggregate cardiomyocyte orientation and deformation underlie cardiac function and dysfunction. As such, in vivo aggregate cardiomyocyte "myofiber" strain has mechanistic significance, but currently there exists no established technique to measure in vivo cardiomyocyte strain.
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This dataset of breast cancer patients was obtained from the 2017 November update of the SEER Program of the NCI, which provides information on population-based cancer statistics. The dataset involved female patients with infiltrating duct and lobular carcinoma breast cancer (SEER primary cites recode NOS histology codes 8522/3) diagnosed in 2006-2010. Patients with unknown tumor size, examined regional LNs, regional positive LNs, and patients whose survival months were less than 1 month were excluded; thus, 4024 patients were ultimately included.
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This code was used in some previous our articles, such as:
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NGM software for applied neurogoniometry. See our previous articles.
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This dataset includes beat-by-beat time-domain features extracted from 350 NIBP records which can be used to develop novel methods to estimate systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP).
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It is possible to construct "aerosol cytometers" based on different types of Zhulanov's laser aerosol counters | diffusion aerosol spectrometers (DAS) [1-8] and "hydrosol cytometers" based on hydrosol particle counters (adopted for ocean marine, ocean and hydrothermal conditions [9,10]).
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We photographed Giemsa-stained thick blood smear slides from 150 P. falciparum infected patients at Chittagong Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh, using a smartphone camera for the different microscopic field of views. Images are captured with 100x magnification in RGB color space with a 3024×4032 pixel resolution. An expert slide reader manually annotated each image at the Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU), Bangkok, Thailand. We de-identified all images andtheir annotations, and archived them at the National Library of Medicine (IRB#12972).
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