Biomedical and Health Sciences
This dataset contains light-field microscopy images and converted sub-aperture images.
The folder with the name "Light-fieldMicroscopeData" contains raw light-field data. The file LFM_Calibrated_frame0-9.tif contains 9 frames of raw light-field microscopy images which has been calibrated. Each frame corresponds to a specific depth. The 9 frames cover a depth range from 0 um to 32 um with step size 4 um. Files with name LFM_Calibrated_frame?.png are the png version for each frame.
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The migration of cancer cells is highly regulated by the biomechanical properties of their local microenvironment. Using 3D scaffolds of simple composition, several aspects of cancer cell mechanosensing (signal transduction, EMC remodeling, traction forces) have been separately analyzed in the context of cell migration. However, a combined study of these factors in 3D scaffolds that more closely resemble the complex microenvironment of the cancer ECM is still missing.
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Human Proteome and Peptides with up to 2 missed cleavages.
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We crawled large amounts of biomedical articles from PubMed for the keyphrase extraction system evaluation.
The articles, that consist of title, abstract and keyphrases provided by the authors, are used for the experiments.
In our paper, cancer-related biomedical articles are selected.
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To develop a non-invasive assessment tool using machine learning in supporting a timely, accurate diagnosis in the elderly, we created an annotated dataset of 668 tongue images collected from hospitalized geriatric patients in a tertiary hospital in Shanghai, China. Images were captured via a light-field camera using CIELAB color space (to simulate human visual perception) and then were manually labeled by a panel of subject matter experts after chart reviewing patients’ clinical information documented in the hospital’s information system.
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Schematic explanation of representations to brain networks during WM tasks. Left upper panel is the location illustration of four fitted sources. A-E present components relative to WM in terms of some specific neurocognitive processes. A. During this duration, selective attention is activated by capitals’ trigger, which induced the attention mechanism in PPC cortex. B.
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This dataset was used in the article "Dias-Audibert FL, Navarro LC, de Oliveira DN, Delafiori J, Melo CFOR, Guerreiro TM, Rosa FT, Petenuci DL, Watanabe MAE, Velloso LA, Rocha AR and Catharino RR (2020) Combining Machine Learning and Metabolomics to Identify Weight Gain Biomarkers. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 8:6. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2020.00006", open access available at:
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This dataset contains in-silico results of insulin treatment using a fully automated artificial pancreas algorithm based on reinforcement learning for FDA-approved virtual patients (C. D. Man et al., 2014) with type 1 diabetes (10 adults and 10 adolescents).
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This database contains the results of an experiment were healthy subjects played 5 trials of a rehabilitation-based VR game, to experience either difficulty variations or presence variations.
Colected results are demogrpahic information, emotional emotions after each trial and electrophysiological signals during all 5 trials.
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