
Data from simulations in which different radiation search strategies are compared.



This data set contains 100,000 pcd files taken by LiDAR, a 3-D image sensor, of a vehicle orbiting an indoor field.

Data Acquisition

The indoor field was built as a 1/60 scale model of an intersection, where two vehicles kept moving along pre-fixed tracks independently of each other.

The size of the vehicles was 0.040 m  × 0.035 m × 0.240 m 

We captured the indoor field by two LiDAR sensor units, which was commercialized by Velodyne.


This dataset contains three simulation models: cantilever_transducer.mph, simply_supported_beam_transducer.mph and optimized_ simply_supported_beam_transducer.mph.

The cantilever_transducer.mph is a cantilever transducer model with a fixed center, which is used to compare its sensitivity-frequency response with that of the optimized simply supported beam transducer model.


A wide range of wearable sensors exist on the market for continuous physiological health monitoring. The type and scope of health data that can be gathered is a function of the sensor modality. Blumio presents a dataset of synchronized data from a reference blood pressure device along with several wearable sensor types: PPG, applanation tonometry, and the Blumio millimeter-wave radar. Data collection was conducted under set protocol with subjects seated at rest. 115 study subjects were included (age range 20-67 years), resulting in over 19 hours of data acquired.


The S3 dataset contains the behaviour (sensors, statistics of applications, and voice) of 21 volunteers interacting with their smartphones for more than 60 days. The type of users is diverse, males and females in the age range from 18 until 70 have been considered in the dataset generation. The wide range of age is a key aspect, due to the impact of age in terms of smartphone usage. To generate the dataset the volunteers installed a prototype of the smartphone application in on their Android mobile phones.



A new generation of computer vision, namely event-based or neuromorphic vision, provides a new paradigm for capturing visual data and the way such data is processed. Event-based vision is a state-of-art technology of robot vision. It is particularly promising for use in both mobile robots and drones for visual navigation tasks. Due to a highly novel type of visual sensors used in event-based vision, only a few datasets aimed at visual navigation tasks are publicly available.


In order to obtain the constants of our PID temperature controller, it was necessary to identify the system. The identification of the system allows us, through experimentation, to find the representation of the plant to be able to control it.

The first data with name "data_2.mat" represent the open loop test, where the sampling frequency is 100 [Hz], this data was useful to find the period of the pulse train generator, which is twice the slowest sampling time analyzed between the high pulse and low pulse of the input. 


The LEDNet dataset consists of image data of a field area that are captured from a mobile phone camera.

Images in the dataset contain the information of an area where a PCB board is placed, containing 6 LEDs. Each state of the LEDs on the PCB board represents a binary number, with the ON state corresponding to binary 1 and the OFF state corresponding to binary 0. All the LEDs placed in sequence represent a binary sequence or encoding of an analog value.


Design and fabrication outsourcing has made integrated circuits vulnerable to malicious modifications by third parties known as hardware Trojan (HT). Over the last decade, the use of side-channel measurements for detecting the malicious manipulation of the chip has been extensively studied. However, the suggested approaches mostly suffer from two major limitations: reliance on trusted identical chip (e.i. golden chip); untraceable footprints of subtle hardware Trojans which remain inactive during the testing phase.

