Remote Sensing
This article presents the details of the Cardinal RF (CardRF) dataset. CardRF is acquired to foster research in RF- based UAV detection and identification or RF fingerprinting. RF signals were collected from UAV controllers, UAV, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi devices. Signals are collected at both visual line-of-sight and beyond-line-of-sight. The assumptions and procedure for the data acquisition are presented. A detailed explanation of how the data can be utilized is discussed. CardRF is over 65 GB in storage memory.
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This dataset contains Wi-Fi sensing data using Channel State Information (CSI) for respiration rate measurements in a standard 3m x 3m room. The Wi-Fi CSI data was collected using the Wi-Fi module on the ESP32 Microcontroller units using the esp32-csi-tool. The Wi-Fi CSI data is accompanied by respiration belt data taken with the Wi-Fi measurements simultaneously using the Neulog NUL-236 respiration belt logger as ground truth.
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The dataset contains maps with the objective analysis (OA) fields of available water contents. OA is based on ground-base and remote sensing (ASCAT) observations in the upper 10 and 20 cm soil layers for the period from September 11 to November 16, 2022.
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Accurate flood delineation is crucial in many disaster management tasks, including, but not limited to: risk map production and update, impact estimation, claim verification, or planning of countermeasures for disaster risk reduction. Open remote sensing resources such as the data provided by the Copernicus ecosystem enable to carry out this activity, which benefits from frequent revisit times on a global scale. In the last decades, satellite imagery has been successfully applied to flood delineation problems, especially considering Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) signals.
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This dataset contains annotation image files representing shapes of buildings, containers, and cranes in satellite images on Google Earth. The datasets are structured in useful formats for machine learning and deep learning applications.
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The radar system is placed in a tower with a height of 90 m, and the UAV flies toward to the tower starting from the distance of 600 m. The flying height is 45 m, and the speed is approximate 20 m/s.
The selected radar is a coherent radar with an azimuth beam-width of 5 degree and a pulse repetition frequency of 20 kHz, and the UAV model is DJI M600 pro with the SCR of approximate -8.3 dB.
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This dataset is used to create the results and figures presented on the manuscript: Ben Moshe et al., "Empirical Study on the Effect of Birds on Commercial Microwave Links and its Application for Bird" Detection".
Application for Bird Detection"
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This data set was generated and used in determining the workability of a homemade Intelligent IoT Weather Station Using an Embedded System.
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To measure sea ice elevation abover the local sea surface, a theory of polarimetric interferometry for both monostatic and bistatic radars is developed based on analytic solutions of Maxwell's equations, accounting for realistic and complicated properties of snow, sea ice, and seawater.
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