
The Multi-Server Multi-User computation offloading (MSCO) dataset is a dataset based on the scenario of multi-server multi-user binary computing offloading. It is characterized by the connection status between users and edge servers, user task information, and server computational resource information. The solution aims to minimize the total cost of power consumption and latency of all tasks. The labels are the offloading decisions of user tasks and the computational resource allocation of edge servers. The features and labels of this dataset are graph-structured.


The TiHAN-V2X Dataset was collected in Hyderabad, India, across various Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication types, including Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I), Infrastructure-to-Vehicle (I2V), and Vehicle-to-Cloud (V2C). The dataset offers comprehensive data for evaluating communication performance under different environmental and road conditions, including urban, rural, and highway scenarios.


The Unified Multimodal Network Intrusion Detection System (UM-NIDS) dataset is a comprehensive, standardized dataset that integrates network flow data, packet payload information, and contextual features, making it highly suitable for machine learning-based intrusion detection models. This dataset addresses key limitations in existing NIDS datasets, such as inconsistent feature sets and the lack of payload or time-window-based contextual features.


The dataset consists of uplink channel gains, downlink channel gains and uplink to downlink channel gains along with corresponding power allocations for uplink users and downlink users across all subcarriers. Additionally, it consists of NOMA decoding order for successful implementation of SIC at NOMA receiver. The number of UL users and DL users are considered as N=M=6, and subcarriers are S=9. Each column in the dataset is a sample for fading channel realization and it should be converted back to the matrix to compute sumrate.


Today, the anywhere, anyhow and anytime application scenarios of 5G system force designer to challenge on electromagnetic interference (EMI) requirements. Despite the technological progress, relevant test techniques are necessary to minimize the future communication system EMI risk. In this paper, the EMI characterization from nonlinearity (NLT) of 5G system Gallium Nitride (GaN) power amplifier (PA) is studied. Firstly, the PA NLT is evaluated by 1-dB/3-dB/6-dB compression point and 3rd-order intermodulation distortion (IMD3).


The softwarization and virtualization of the fifth-generation (5G) cellular networks bring about increased flexibility and faster deployment of new services. However, these advancements also introduce new vulnerabilities and unprecedented attack surfaces. The cloud-native nature of 5G networks mandates detecting and protecting against threats and intrusions in the cloud systems.


Common Randomness (CR) can be considered as a resource in our future communication systems that will assist in various operations, such as cryptographic encryption in wireless communication, improving identification capacity for identification codes. In wireless communication, CR can be conveniently generated by reading the reciprocal channel properties between two wireless terminals, and by sending pilot signals to each other using the time division duplexing (TDD)-based half-duplexing method. In the channel probing stage, reciprocal channel characteristics are measured.


This dataset contains audio recordings and transcriptions of toxic speech derived from Indonesian conversations during YouTube videos where scammers are confronted. The dataset captures two separate interactions that escalate into toxic exchanges. Each interaction has been verified by native Indonesian speakers and labeled into two classes: toxic and non-toxic. The dataset includes both the original and preprocessed versions of the speech and text data. The original speech files total 136MB, while the preprocessed speech files are 111,7MB.


Currently, cybersecurity in digital substations is a topic of wide interest for companies and the academic community, which demands for its study the analysis of datasets (i.e., traffic collected during the operation of a substation).

