Machine Learning

This dataset was prepared to estimate the winding temperature of a BLDC motor for a variable load and speed profile. It contains two files. The first one is the measurement results for the motor without cooling, while the second one is the measurement results after installing an additional cooling fan on the shaft. The data included in the files are time stamp, winding temperature, casing temperature, speed, current, power loss, mean and standard deviation of the measured quantities for 14400 data records.


The dataset is divided into two sub-folders - 'source' and 'target'. The 'source' folder has a total of 4,080 images of Chest X-rays. The 'target' folder has a total of 4,080 Dual-Energy subtracted images corresponding to the images present in 'source' folder.


Another raw ADS-B signal dataset with labels, the dataset is captured using a BladeRF2 SDR receiver @ 1090MHz with a sample rate of 10MHz


ETFP (Eye-Tracking and Fixation Points) consists of two eye-tracking datasets: EToCVD (Eye-Tracking of Colour Vision Deficiencies) and ETTO (Eye-Tracking Through Objects). The former is a collection of images, their corresponding eye-movement coordinates and the fixation point maps, obtained by involving two cohorts, respectively, people with and without CVD (Colour Vision Deficiencies). The latter collects images with just one object laying on a homogeneous background, the corresponding eye-movement coordinates and fixation point maps gathered during eye-tracking sessions.


We have developed this dataset for the Bangla image caption. Here, we have recorded  500 images with one caption of each. Basically the lifestyle, festivals are mainly focused in this dataset. We have accomplished rice/harvest festivals, snake charming, palanquin, merry-go-round, slum, blacksmith, potter, fisherman, tat shilpo, jamdani, shutki chash, date juice, hal chash, tokai, pohela falgun, gaye holud, etc.



The mean shift (MS) algorithm is a nonparametric method used to cluster sample points and find the local modes of kernel density estimates, using an idea based on iterative gradient ascent. In this paper we develop a mean-shift-inspired algorithm to estimate the modes of regression functions and partition the sample points in the input space. We prove convergence of the sequences generated by the algorithm and derive the non-asymptotic rates of convergence of the estimated local modes for the underlying regression model.


LiDAR point cloud data serves as an machine vision alternative other than image. Its advantages when compared to image and video includes depth estimation and distance measruement. Low-density LiDAR point cloud data can be used to achieve navigation, obstacle detection and obstacle avoidance for mobile robots. autonomous vehicle and drones. In this metadata, we scanned over 1200 objects and classified it into 4 groups of object namely, human, cars, motorcyclist.


This dataset was used in our work "See-through a Vehicle: Augmenting Road Safety Information using Visual Perception and Camera Communication in Vehicles" published in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT). In this work, we present the design, implementation and evaluation of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) perception to achieve a virtual see-through functionality for road vehicles.


Silk fibroin is the structural fiber of the silk filament and it is usually separated from the external fibroin by a chemical process called degumming. This process consists in an alkali bath in which the silk cocoons are boiled for a determined time. It is also known that the degumming process impacts the property of the outcoming silk fibroin fibers.

