Power and Energy

This paper proposes methods of predicting and preventing thermal failure within high-power ferrite structures of electric vehicle (EV) wireless charging inductive power transfer (IPT) by improving their ferrite layouts. A high-power IPT magnetic design suitable for wirelessly charging an EV at 50 kW using a heuristic approach is presented where the chosen design achieves reduced heating within the magnetic structure. Recommendations are made that both avoid ferrite fracturing due to magnetic hotspots and cause temperature differentials across ferrite tiles, and regarding airgap distribution


The proliferation of phasor measurement units, albeit transformative to grid operations, increases the risk of cyber threats in power systems. One consequence of these cyber threats is incorrect operator actions based on misleading data. While a single wrong operator action might not result in a widespread blackout, a series of actions on critical lines and transformers, combined with pre-existing faults or scheduled maintenance, might. Traditionally,  controlled islanding prevents cascading failures. However, it is only effective when the received measurements are trustworthy.


 This dataset is in support of my research paper '9-DoF Personal Robot Servant'.  

Preprint :

On this robot servant, my first work was done in the year 2011.

Image Source:  https://www.dreamstime.com/robot-tray-d-rendering-mini-holding-serving-i...


We present photographs of inspections of the electrical power network (13.8 kV) carried out in southern Brazil. The inspections were performed close to the city of Blumenau by researchers from the high voltage laboratory, Regional University of Blumenau (FURB).

240 photographs of the electrical power network are presented:
120 are of damaged structures and/or components.
120 are in normal conditions.


This dataset contains the input and output data used in the paper A Novel Semiparametric Structural Model for Electricity Forward Curves by Marina Dietze, Iago Chávarry, Ana Carolina Freire, Davi Valladão, Alexandre Street and Stein-Erik Fleten.



This dataset is used to design patent.  The system is basic , as can be seen from figure.

There is related dataset- Data: 255W Panel Connected 72Ah Li-Ion.

This new datasets are needed to show that I know how to make simulation and the dataset of 'Data: 255W Panel Connected 72Ah Li-Ion' is not fake. 

The boost converter, BMS is on existing designs.It is very simple for any graduate,degree holder or school students, so no paper is written for it.


This dataset is composed by both real and sythetic images of power transmission lines, which can be fed to deep neural networks training and applied to line's inspection task. The images are divided into three distinct classes, representing power lines with different geometric properties. The real world acquired images were labeled as "circuito_real" (real circuit), while the synthetic ones were identified as "circuito_simples" (simple circuit) or "circuito_duplo" (double circuit). There are 348 total images for each class, 232 inteded for training and 116 aimed for validation/testing.


The AMPds dataset has been release to help load disaggregation/NILM and eco-feedback researcher test their algorithms, models, systems, and prototypes. This dataset is intended to be multi-year capture of the consumption of my house. This dataset contains electricity, water, and natural gas measurements at one minute intervals. This dataset contains a total of 1,051,200 readings for 2 years of monitoring (from April/2012 to March/2014) per meter. There are a total of 21 power meters, 2 water meters (with additional appliance usage annotations), and 2 natural gas meters.


A new three-phase dual-rotor middle-stator brushless flux switching generator (FSG) for 400 Hz diesel-driven aircraft ground power units. For the proposed machine, both field and armature windings are hosted in the stator in such a way that not only fulfils brushless structure, but also realizes the flux switching function. Moreover, both windings have non-overlapping concentrated windings to shorten the end-windings and reduce the copper losses. In the meantime, the rotor has only slots without any active parts.


The problem of cooling in rescue robots is similar to that of the entire domain of product development involving electronic systems. When considering mission-oriented rescue robots, this issue becomes more severe, as the tolerance to failure is remarkably low. While cooling is considered indispensable, the hazardous environmental condition of the scene of deployment, comprising of water, dust, toxic gases, or fire, constrains the choices of the method.

