Power and Energy

There is an industry gap for publicly available electric utility infrastructure imagery.  The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is filling this gap to support public and private sector AI innovation.  This dataset consists of ~30,000 images of overhead Distribution infrastructure.  These images have been anonymized, reviewed, and .exif image-data scrubbed.  EPRI intends to label these data to support its own research activities.  As these labels are created, EPRI will periodically update this dataset with those data.

Update: July 2022


This data set contains all required data in "Online Coordination of LNG Tube Trailer Dispatch and Resilience Restoration of Integrated Power-Gas Distribution Systems"


These measurements were taken at the point of common coupling using the power quality analyzer PQ-Box 200, where about 30 EV chargers are installed and exploited by the utility. For this reason, this data set only considers the charging behavior of the vehicles employed by the enterprise, namely the Renault Kangoo ZE and Renault Zoe. The period under consideration starts on 5.11.2018 and ends on 07.01.2020. Because of the large amount of data, values with a time interval of 10mins are extracted and used in this data set.


In our study, datasets of two simulators, namely phasor-based simulator and hybrid-type simulator are used. In the hybrid environment, first, the outputs of the phasor-based simulator are converted to instantaneous waveforms, then based on instruction, distortions and noises are added (superimposed) to these waveforms, and finally, the distorted waveforms are fed to the detailed model of PMUs simulated in EMT domain. Outputs of both simulators can be found in the submitted file.


This dataset provides the data applied in the case studies of the manuscript "Backcasting the Techno-economic Targets For Constructing Low-carbon Power Systems". Both the modified Garver’s 6-bus and realistic Northwest China power system are presented here, in two excel files respectively. The datasets include detailed information about buses, units, existing corridors, and candidate corridors. Average cost variations and load growth rate over the planning period are also provided.


Impedance-based models of wind generators are widely used to analyze unstable oscillations between the grid and the control system of wind park generators. However, it is unclear what are the key control parameters that must be considered in the models at different frequency ranges (subsynchronous, near synchronous and high frequencies). The models can be either highly detailed, at the expense of complex algebraic derivations, or oversimplified, but unable to reliably predict control-to-grid instabilities.


These PLECS simulation files are for the article: Modeling and Advanced Control of Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converters: A Review. The simulation files of the following DAB control methods are included: feedback-only control, linearization control, feedforward plus feedback, disturbance-observer-based control, feedforward current control, model predictive current control and moving discretized control set model predictive. Besides, a simulation file comparing the DAB circuit and the reduced order model is also provided.


This dataset was used to produce the results of following paper:

Title: Risk-constrained Optimal Dynamic Trading Strategies Under Short- and Long-term Uncertainties


This dataset is used to assess the energy consumption of the collaborative robot UR3e. The dataset consists of six experiments. Different operational conditions are modified in each experiment to determine their influence. The datasets have the following information: recording time, trajectory ID, joints' positions, joints' velocities, motor currents, motor torques, motor voltages, motor temperatures, current, and voltage of the robot. This dataset is used as a study case of a new methodology for energy assessment.

