short circuit

Power transformers are inevitably subjected to external short circuit impact during their service period. The electromagnetic force generated by the fault current may cause winding destabilization and collapse. The radial buckling of the inner winding accounts for a considerable proportion. Based on the effective contact of the sticks, the traditional analytical methods ignore the manufacturing deviation and operation impact (MDOI) characterized by assembly gaps and insulation shrinkage.
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This dataset is in support of my research paper - Short Circuit Analysis of 666 Wh Li-Ion NMC
Faults and datasets can be copied to submit in fire cause investigation reports or thesis. The simulation is run for 20 hours (72000 seconds) of simulation time for each fault of 100 faults.
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This dataset is in support of my 2 research papers - 'Short Circuit Analysis of 72Ah Li-Ion BMC - Part I' and 'Short Circuit Analysis of 72Ah Li-Ion BMC - Part II'.
Faults and datasets can be copied to submit in fire cause investigation reports or thesis.
This dataset is a collection of data of battery and BMC faults.
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