
The MPSC-rPPG dataset comprises photoplethysmograph (rPPG) data with the PPG ground truth, making it a perfect dataset to evaluate various algorithms for extracting PPG, measuring heart rate, heart rate variability from video. The dataset contains facial videos and Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) data captured concurrently.
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This is the protein PDB dataset for the article "Novel Algorithm for Improved Protein Classification Using Graph Similarity". This dataset consists of 9 classes of proteins.
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README.txt for simulation files IEEE_Collaboration_N_entities_2021.mdl and IEEE_2_Platforms_federation_SF_2021.mdl
This is a README.txt for the model published on the paper titled:
Improving IoT Federation Resiliency with Distributed Ledger Technology, 2021, Elo T, et al.
This readme describes how to replicate the main simulation results from the paper using a Vensim
model file. The model file has been generated using the Vensim DSS Macintosh Version
8.0.7 Double Precision x64.
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Many companies, e.g., Facebook and YouTube, use the REST architecture and provide REST APIs to their clients. Likeany other software systems, REST APIs need maintenance and must evolve to improve and stay relevant. Antipatterns—poor designpractices—hinder this maintenance and evolution. Although the literature defines many antipatterns and proposes approaches for their(automatic) detection, theircorrectiondid not receive much attention.
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A Course on Literature Searching/Compiling/Understanding for Support of Research/Projects
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This dataset contains the ontologies and instruments developed in the MIIDAS Project
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<p>The dataset comprises 2035 images from 14 different software architectural patterns (100+ images each), viz., Broker, Client Server, Microkernel, Repository, Publisher-Subscriber, Peer-to-Peer, Event Bus, Model View Controller, REST, Layered, Presentation Abstraction Controller, Microservices, and Space-based patterns.</p>
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A qualitative and quantitative extension of the chaotic models used to generate self-similar traffic with long-range dependence (LRD) is presented by means of the formulation of a model that considers the use of piecewise affine onedimensional maps. Based on the disaggregation of the temporal series generated, a valid explanation of the behavior of the values of Hurst exponent is proposed and the feasibility of their control from the parameters of the proposed model is shown.
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This dataset contains (1) the Simulink model of a three-phase photovoltaic power system with passive anti-islanding protections like over/under current (OUC), over/under voltage (OUV), over/under frequency (OUF), rate of change of frequency (ROCOF), and dc-link voltage and (2) the results in the voltage source converter and the point of common coupling of the photovoltaic system during islanding operation mode and detection times of analyzed anti-islanding methods.
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