
Sample wind speed data at 34 m and 20 m above ground level and ambient temperature in Cook Islands


This dataset will contains some simulation models in Matlab/Simulink of four most used active anti-islanding methods namely Active Frequency Drift (AFD), Sandia Frequency Shift (SFS), Slip Mode frequency Shift (SMS), Sandia Voltage Shift (SVS).


The dataset contains an example of energy consumption, Functioning hours and Production KPI of different stages of the experimental open pit mine, mainly the destoning, the screening, and the train loading station. The Code is an example of the prediction algorithm, and the API can be used to apply the same algorithm used in this article.

In the proposed Dataset the energy consumption data for each station are collected from power meters and stored into a database that contains functioning hours and production.


Agents in the electricity sector may find themselves in a short position in the market at times. In this case, they have the option of hedging their risk by contracting part or all of their position through fixed-price forward contracts. If the hedge is only partial, the non-contracted portion must be settled at an uncertain future spot price, which exposes the agent to price risk. On the other hand, while a full hedge eliminates the risk, it eliminates potential gains.


We present photographs of inspections of the electrical power network (13.8 kV) carried out in southern Brazil. The inspections were performed close to the city of Blumenau by researchers from the high voltage laboratory, Regional University of Blumenau (FURB).

240 photographs of the electrical power network are presented:
120 are of damaged structures and/or components.
120 are in normal conditions.


This dataset is used to design patent.  The system is basic , as can be seen from figure.

There is related dataset- Data: 255W Panel Connected 72Ah Li-Ion.

This new datasets are needed to show that I know how to make simulation and the dataset of 'Data: 255W Panel Connected 72Ah Li-Ion' is not fake. 

The boost converter, BMS is on existing designs.It is very simple for any graduate,degree holder or school students, so no paper is written for it.


The 2 PHASE ENERGY METER 100A (2PEM-100A) is a power consumption monitor based on an embedded system. In the hope of promoting responsible energy consumption, we have decided to release this open source hardware project that was developed in the course "Development of Electronic Prototypes" at the ESPOL University. The 2PEM-100A allows to monitor the following parameters: Voltage (V), Current (A), Power (W), Frequency (Hz), Energy (KWh), Power Factor and Temperature (°C) of the 2PEM-100A.

Last Updated On: 
Fri, 12/02/2022 - 15:36
Citation Author(s): 
Adrian Bazurto, Víctor Asanza, Ronald Reyes,Douglas Plaza, Diego Peluffo-Ordóñez

The problem of cooling in rescue robots is similar to that of the entire domain of product development involving electronic systems. When considering mission-oriented rescue robots, this issue becomes more severe, as the tolerance to failure is remarkably low. While cooling is considered indispensable, the hazardous environmental condition of the scene of deployment, comprising of water, dust, toxic gases, or fire, constrains the choices of the method.


This is a unique energy-aware navigation dataset collected at the Canadian Space Agency’s Mars Emulation Terrain (MET) in Saint-Hubert, Quebec, Canada. It consists of raw and post-processed sensor measurements collected by our rover in addition to georeferenced aerial maps of the MET (colour mosaic, elevation model, slope and aspect maps). The data are available for download in human-readable format and rosbag (.bag) format. Python data fetching and plotting scripts and ROS-based visualization tools are also provided.

