Machine Learning

data have 16 features with 1 target value

Scope: Primarily focused on diabetes-related information.

Data Size: Contains a substantial volume of records.

Variables: Likely includes patient demographics, medical history, lab results, medications, treatments, and outcomes.

Temporal Range: Time span covered by the dataset may vary.

Privacy Measures: Anonymized to protect patient identities.

Ethical Considerations: Collected and shared adhering to ethical guidelines.


SeaIceWeather Dataset 

This is the SeaIceWeather dataset, collected for training and evaluation of deep learning based de-weathering models. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first such publicly available dataset for the sea ice domain. This dataset is linked to our paper titled: Deep Learning Strategies for Analysis of Weather-Degraded Optical Sea Ice Images. The paper can be accessed at: 


QuaN is a collection of specially designed datasets for exploring the impact of noise quantum machine learning and other applications. The presented work focuses on the transformation of clean datasets into noisy counterparts across diverse domains, including MNIST-handwritten digits datasets, Medical MNIST, IRIS datasets and Mobile Health datasets. The dataset is created using noise from classical and quantum domains.


This paper introduces a dataset capturing brain signals generated by the recognition of 100 Malayalam words, accompanied by their English translations. The dataset encompasses recordings acquired from both vocal and sub-vocal modalities for the Malayalam vocabulary. For the English equivalents, solely vocal signals were collected. This dataset is created to help Malayalam speaking patients with neuro-degenerative diseases.


A real world radio frequency fingerprinting (RFF) dataset for enhancement strategy by exploiting the physical unclonable function (PUF) to tune the RF hardware impairments in a unique and secure manner, which is exemplified by taking power amplifiers (PAs) in RF chains as an example. This is achieved by intentionally and slightly tuning the PA non-linearity characteristics using the active load-pulling technique. The dataset is collected from the cable-connected measurement and over-the-air measurement.


 Publicly available dataset weibo_senti_100k, which consists of Weibo comments, verify the validity of the model. We have assigned the label of 0 to negative semantics, 1 to neutral statements, and 2 to positive semantics in the dataset,comments data is divided into a training set, a test set and a validation set, distributed in a ratio of 3:1:1 to facilitate the training and evaluation of our machine learning model.


As an artificial structure, tailings ponds exhibit regular geometric shapes and relatively straight dams in HRRSIs. Because the typical tailings dam is composed of an initial dam and successive accumulation dams, the tailings dam structure presents obvious linear stripe characteristics. The initial dam, constructed using sand, gravel, or concrete, has a bright color, while the color of the accumulation dam varies based on factors such as particle size, soil coverage, and vegetation restoration.


Public safety is seriously threatened by road accidents, which are a major global concern in urban settings. The capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka City, stands out among these locations as a perfect illustration of the complicated difficulties confronted by highly populated cities in ensuring road safety. In this paper, we have used time-series analysis to model the temporal patterns and trends in accident occurrence and machine learning algorithms to identify accident hotspots and comprehend the causes of traffic accidents.


The uploaded project is the code and dataset for Charging Efficiency Optimization Based on Swarm Reinforcement Learning under Dynamic Energy Consumption for WRSN. The details of each document in the uploaded project are as follows. Document data: The data file contains network data and simulation data. Document iostream: The iostream file contains the program for reading data and writing data. Document main: The main file contains the main program that executes the simulation. Document network: The network file


The Colour-Rendered Bosphorus Projections (CRBP) Face Dataset represents an innovative advancement in facial recognition and computer vision technologies. This dataset uniquely combines the precision of 3D face modelling with the detailed visual cues of 2D imagery, creating a multifaceted resource for various research activities. Derived from the acclaimed Bosphorus 3D Face Database, the CRBP dataset introduces colour-rendered projections to enrich the original dataset.

