Machine Learning
An offline handwritten signature dataset from two most popular scripts in India namely Roman and Devanagari is proposed here.
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This datasets contains Xrays of positive COVID-19 and Pneumonia patients.
For the COVID-19 class, three sources were used in this work, BIMCV-COVID-19+ (Spain), COVID-19- AR (USA) and V2-COV19-NII (Germany).
The pneumonia class data came from 3 sources: (i) the National Institute of Health (NIH) dataset, (ii) Chexpert dataset and (iii) Padchest dataset.
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<p>The dataset comprises 2035 images from 14 different software architectural patterns (100+ images each), viz., Broker, Client Server, Microkernel, Repository, Publisher-Subscriber, Peer-to-Peer, Event Bus, Model View Controller, REST, Layered, Presentation Abstraction Controller, Microservices, and Space-based patterns.</p>
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Supplementary materials for manuscript: Self-absorption Correction in X-ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography with Deep Convolutional Neural Network,
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This dataset has information of 83 patients from India. This dataset contains patients’ clinical history, histopathological features, and mammogram. The distinctive aspect of this dataset lies in its collection of mammograms that have benign tumors and used in subclassification of benign tumors.
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The simulation code for the paper:
"AoI-Aware Resource Allocation for Platoon-Based C-V2X Networks via Multi-Agent Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning"
The overall architecture of the proposed MARL framework is shown in the figure.
Modified MADDPG: This algorithm trains two critics (different from legacy MADDPG) with the following functionalities:
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The demand for technologies relying on the radio spectrum, such as mobile communications and IoT, has been growing exponentially. As a consequence, providing access to the radio spectrum is becoming increasingly more important. The ever-growing wireless traffic and the increasing scarcity of available spectrum warrants efficient management of the radio spectrum. At the same time, machine learning (ML) is becoming ubiquitous and has found applications in many fields for its ability to identify patterns and assist with decision-making processes.
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The proposed dataset, termed PC-Urban (Urban Point Cloud), is captured with an Ouster LiDAR sensor with 64 channels. The sensor is installed on an SUV that drives through the downtown of Perth, Western Australia (WA), Australia. The dataset comprises over 4.3 billion points captured for 66K sensor frames. The labelled data is organized as registered and raw point cloud frames, where the former has a different number of registered consecutive frames. We provide 25 class labels in the dataset covering 23 million points and 5K instances.
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