The data collection includes posts from social media networks popular among Russian-speaking people. The information was gathered using pre-defined keywords ("war," "special military operation," and so on) and is mainly relevant to Ukraine's continuing conflict with Russia. Following a thorough assessment and analysis of the data, propaganda and false news were detected. The information gathered has been anonymized. Feature engineering and text preparation can extract new insights and information from this data source.


This data set contains information on cardiopulmonary signals that were recorded simultaneously. The signals are separated into two folders, one titled heart sounds and the other lung sounds. In addition, two matlab programs are included, one with which the signals can be recorded and another to make graphs in time and frequency. It also has a pdf file that details the nomenclature of the signals.

This data set can be useful for various signal processing algorithms: filtering, PCA, LDA, ICA, CNN, etc.


Drone based wildfire detection and modeling methods enable high-precision, real-time fire monitoring that is not provided by traditional remote fire monitoring systems, such as satellite imaging. Precise, real-time information enables rapid, effective wildfire intervention and management strategies. Drone systems’ ease of deployment, omnidirectional maneuverability, and robust sensing capabilities make them effective tools for early wildfire detection and evaluation, particularly so in environments that are inconvenient for humans and/or terrestrial vehicles.


North/South-separated <10nT magnetometer data from the 1994-2008 Ulysses space mission's samplings of polar solar winds, hourly averaged, non-decimated. The set also includes data from the WIND space mission, the WSO terrestrial observatory (solar Mean Magnetic Field), and the WSO solar Polar magnetic Field, all used in the same research project. The NOAA Solar Indices data (not included) were used for verification, see paper for details.

