Deep Learning

This data contains training and testing data for single-shot deflectometry generated by the deformable mirror. The training data has total of 4000 data with single input composite pattern Ic and four outputs (Dx, Dy, Mx, and My).

The test data contains a pre-trained model, a script for testing, and test images


To enable intelligent vehicles and transportation systems, the vehicles and relevant systems need to have the ability to sense environment and recognize objects. In order to benefit from the robustness of radar for sensing, knowing how to use the radar system for effective object recognition is critical. Observing this, we in this paper propose a novel deep learning-aided object recognition system for radar systems by combining the You only look once (YOLO) system with a proposed object recheck system.


Water leakage problems increased over the last few years, and innovative tools and techniques appeared to solve this widespread problem. The still unresolved problem concerns the identification of water leaks at the nearest point; at the household level, the most common and inexpensive devices are still mechanical meters, which cannot detect leaks.


This dataset was collected with the goal of providing researchers with access to a collection of hundreds of images for efficient classification of plant attributes and multi-instance plant localisation and detection. There are two folders, i.e. Side view and Top View.Each folder includes label files and image files in the.jpg format (.txt format). Images of 30 plants grown in 5 hydroponic systems have been collected for 66 days. Thirty plants of three species (Petunia, Pansy and Calendula) were grown in a hydroponic system for the purpose of collecting and analysing images.


The deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for logistics and other civil purposes is consistently disrupting airspace security. Consequently, there is a scarcity of robust datasets for the development of real-time systems that can checkmate the incessant deployment of UAVs in carrying out criminal or terrorist activities. VisioDECT is a robust vision-based drone dataset for classifying, detecting, and countering unauthorized drone deployment using visual and electro-optical infra-red detection technologies.



For academic purposes, we are happy to release our datasets. This dataset is in support of my research paper 'TOW-IDS: Intrusion Detection System based on Three Overlapped Wavelets in Automotive Ethernet'. If you want to use our dataset for your experiment, please cite our paper.


Ground reaction forces (GRFs) and center of pressure trajectories (CoPs) are required for a comprehensive biomechanical analysis. They are also important outcome measures in sports sciences or clinical areas. GRFs and CoPs are usually measured by force plate, which is rarely equipped on staircases in laboratories. We present a one-dimensional convolutional neural network for estimating GRFs and CoPs during stair ascent and descent using multi-level of kinematics as input.


This dataset contains pathloss and ToA radio maps generated by the ray-tracing software WinProp from Altair. The dataset allows to develop and test the accuracies of pathloss radio map estimation methods and localization algorithms based on RSS or ToA in realistic urban scenarios. More details on the datasets can be found in the dataset paper:


In recent years, it has become more difficult to identify road traffic signage and panel guide material. Few studies have been made to solve these two issues at the same time, especially in the Arabic language. Additionally, the limited number of datasets for traffic signs and panel guide content makes the investigation more interesting. the Tunisian research groups in intelligent machines of the University of Sfax (REGIM laboratory of Sfax) will provide the NaSTSArLaT dataset free to researchers in traffic detection signs and traffic road scene text detection.


Accurately obtaining the position of active transmitters within an indoor wireless network has promising applications in future wireless networks. However, due to the complex propagation phenomena experienced by signals indoors, classical model-based localization techniques present poor accuracy, and machine learning (ML) based positioning has a promising potential to deliver high accuracy localization services indoors.

