Remote Sensing

Our large scale alpine land cover dataset consists of  229'535 very high-resolution aerial images (50cm) and  digital elevation model (50cm) with land cover annotations  produced by  experts in photo-interpretration . The nine land cover types in our study area include bedrock, bedrock with grass, large blocks, large blocks with grass, scree, scree with grass, water area, forest and glacier. The distribution of pixels among classes presents a typical case of a long-tailed distribution with an imbalance factor, defined as the ratio of the most frequent to the rarest class, close to 1000.


Dataset for validation of a new magnetic field-based wearable breathing sensor (MAG), which uses the movement of the chest wall as a surrogate measure of respiratory activity. Based on the principle of variation in magnetic field strength with the distance from the source, this system explores Hall effect sensing, paired with a permanent magnet, embedded in a chest strap.


Dataset for validation of a new magnetic field-based wearable breathing sensor (MAG), which uses the movement of the chest wall as a surrogate measure of respiratory activity. Based on the principle of variation in magnetic field strength with the distance from the source, this system explores Hall effect sensing, paired with a permanent magnet, embedded in a chest strap.


Slow moving motions are mostly tackled by using the phase information of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images through Interferometric SAR (InSAR) approaches based on machine and deep learning. Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, there is no dataset adapted to machine learning approaches and targeting slow ground motion detections. With this dataset, we propose a new InSAR dataset  for Slow SLIding areas DEtections (ISSLIDE) with machine learning. The dataset is composed of standardly processed interferograms and manual annotations created following geomorphologist strategies.


A spectral signatures database of major crops in the East Mediterranean basin was created to support remote sensing applications specifically satellite hyperspectral and multispectral image classification. Moreover, it can be used to compute many important hyperspectral vegetation indices such as:

Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index (ARVI)

Modified Chlorophyll Absorption Ratio Index (MCARI)

Modified Chlorophyll Absorption Ratio Index - Improved (MCARI2)


Blade damage inspection without stopping the normal operation of wind turbines has significant economic value. This study proposes an AI-based method AQUADA-Seg to segment the images of blades from complex backgrounds by fusing optical and thermal videos taken from normal operating wind turbines. The method follows an encoder-decoder architecture and uses both optical and thermal videos to overcome the challenges associated with field application.


Progress toward the use of S-band SoOp in sea surface remote sensing was demonstrated in a 2012-2013 experiment based at the Harvest Oil Platform located at 34.469° N and 120.682° W, roughly 11 km from Point Conception, Santa Barbara, CA. Satellite transmissions from the XM-radio service were observed, using one channel each from the “Rhythm” (located above 85°W) and the “Blues” (115°W) satellites. Each downlink channel had a bandwidth of 1.886 MHz with a symbol rate of 1.64 Msps in Quadrature Phase Shift Key (QPSK) modulation.


AndalUnmixingRGB is a Sentinel-2 satellite digital RGB imagery enriched with environmental ancillary data and designed for blind spectral unmixing using deep learning. Generally, spectral unmixing involves two main tasks: spectral signature identification of different available land use/cover types in the analyzed hyperspectral or multispectral imagery (endmember identification task) and their respective proportions measurement (abundance estimation task).


Generating accurate thematic land use maps is importance in ecologically vulnerable regions, especially considering the challenges associated with extracting the forest-steppe ecotone and its associated uncertainties and high error rates. By employing the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method to integrate Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 imagery, high-resolution (10 meters) land use cover products were generated for the forest-steppe ecotone of the Greater Khingan Mountains from 2019 to 2021.


This dataset corresponds to the paper Calibration of a Hail-Impact Energy Electroacoustic Sensor, submitted to IEEE Transactions in Instrumentation and Measurement by Florencia Blasina, Andrés Echarri, and Nicolás Pérez. 

The dataset corresponds to the voltage signals acquired regarding several steel-ball impacts on the proposed hail-sensor plate to calibrate it. 

