Computer Vision
Social images analysis from social networks is considered as one of the most popular social technologies. Social images analysis is an active research topic in recent years and in order to promotes social images’s analysis research, the REGIM-Lab.: REsearch Groups in Intelligent Machines, ENIS, University of Sfax, Tunisia provides the SmartCityZen database’2016 freely of charge to social images analysis researchers.
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Social images analysis from social networks is considered as one of the most popular social technologies. Social images analysis is an active research topic in recent years and in order to promotes social images’s analysis research, the REGIM-Lab.: REsearch Groups in Intelligent Machines, ENIS, University of Sfax, Tunisia provides the Sm@rtCityZen social images database freely of charge to social images analysis researchers.
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Biometric-based hand modality is considered as one of the most popular biometric technologies especially in forensic applications. Hand recognition is an active research topic in recent years and in order to promote hand’s recognition research, the REGIM-Lab.: REsearch Groups in Intelligent Machines, ENIS, University of Sfax, Tunisia provides the REgim Sfax Tunisian hand database (REST database) freely of charge to mainly hand and palmprint recognition researchers.
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Character recognition has been widely understood as a means of mechanizing the process of understanding text in the written form to facilitate fast and efficient use of text. Indeed, text existing all around us presents information for peoples. However, tourists in foreign countries are unable to understand what indicate text on road signs, shop names, product advertisements, posters, etc. when they are unfamiliar with the native language of the visited country.
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The ADAB database (The Arabic handwriting Data Base) was developed to advance the research and development of Arabic on-line handwritten systems. This database is developed in cooperation between the Institut fuer Nachrichtentechnik (IfN) and Research Groups in Intelligent Machines, University of Sfax, Tunisia. The text written is from 937 Tunisian town/village names. A pre-label assigned to each file consists of the postcode in a sequence of Numeric Character References, which stored in the UPX file format.
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The dataset consists all the Telugu characters that contains Vowels, Consonants and combine characters such as Othulu (Consonant-Consonant) and Guninthamulu (Consonant-Volwels). The main objective of this dataset to recognize handwritten Telugu characters, from that convert handwritten document into editable electronic copy.
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The data collection was carried out over several months and across several cities including but not limited to Quetta, Islamabad and Karachi, Pakistan. Ultimately, the number of images collected as part of the Pakistani dataset were, albeit in a very small quantity. The images taken were also distributed across the classes unevenly, just like the German dataset. All the 359 images were then manually cropped to filter out the unwanted image background data. All the images were sorted into folders with names corresponding to the label of the images.
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Holoscopic micro-gesture recognition (HoMG) database was recorded using a holoscopic 3D camera, which have 3 conventional gestures from 40 participants under different settings and conditions. The principle of holoscopic 3D (H3D) imaging mimics fly’s eye technique that captures a true 3D optical model of the scene using a microlens array. For the purpose of H3D micro-gesture recognition. HoMG database has two subsets. The video subset has 960 videos and the image subset has 30635 images, while both have three type of microgestures (classes).
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Basil/Tulsi Plant is harvested in India because of some spiritual facts behind this plant,this plant is used for essential oil and pharmaceutical purpose. There are two types of Basil plants cultivated in India as Krushna Tulsi/Black Tulsi and Ram Tulsi/Green Tulsi.
Many of the investigator working on disease detection in Basil leaves where the following diseases occur
1) Gray Mold
2) Basal Root Rot, Damping Off
3) Fusarium Wilt and Crown Rot
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