Signal Processing

MATLAB code for test spectrum sensing algorithm based on statistical processing of instantaneous magnitude (SPIM). The associated SCRIPTs allow: Generating different signals to check the method, FHSS, LFM, CW Pulse, etc. Plot the generated signal, the detection threshold and compare it with the ideal detection. Determine the errors for the different hypotheses based on SNR. Calculate errors in the determination of the amplitude and frequency for different SNRs. Evaluate the probability of detection with different threshold control values A and U.

  • See our next journal papers*.
  • *Suppl. to: Proc.
  •  XVI International Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry in Russia (RTAC-2020). July 6th , 2020, Moscow, Russia. Book of Abstracts. — Moscow. “Pero” Publisher, 2020. — 9 MB. [Electronic edition]. ISBN 978-5-00171-240-4

A dataset to accompany the "Detrending and Characterizing System Frequency Oscillations Using an Adapted Zhou Algorithm" article submitted to IEEE Transaction on Power Systems

It contains the Single Freqneuy Model used to create data for the study involved in the paper, & a python based program that impliments the method propsed in said paper


This is an alarm management dataset based on the “Tennessee-Eastman-Process” (TEP). The presented dataset aims to provide a suitable benchmark for the development and validation of alarm management methods in complex industrial processes using both quantitative data and qualitative information from different sources. Unlike real industrial processes, the simulation of the TEP allows to design and generate abnormal situations, which can be repeated and varied without risking the loss of equipment or harming the environment.


This data-set consists of 3-phase differential currents of internal faults and 4 other transients cases for Phase Angle Regulators (PAR). The transients other than faults include magnetizing inrush, sympathetic inrush, external faults with CT saturation, and overexcitation conditions.
 PSCAD/EMTDC software is used for simulation of the internal faults and the transients.


"The friction ridge pattern is a 3D structure which, in its natural state, is not deformed by contact with a surface''. Building upon this rather trivial observation, the present work constitutes a first solid step towards a paradigm shift in fingerprint recognition from its very foundations. We explore and evaluate the feasibility to move from current technology operating on 2D images of elastically deformed impressions of the ridge pattern, to a new generation of systems based on full-3D models of the natural nondeformed ridge pattern itself.


The dataset consists of echo data collected at the Matre research station (61°N) of the Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway. Six square sea cages (12 × 12 m and 15 m depth; approximately 2000 m^3) were used. The fish's vertical distribution and density were observed continuously by a PC-based echo integration system (CageEye MK IV, software version 1.1.1., CageEye AS, Steinkjer, Norway) connected to an upward facing transducer which multiplexes between 50 kHz (42° acoustic beam angle) and 200 kHz (14° beam angle).


The data set contains electrical and mechanical signals from experiments on three-phase induction motors. The experimental tests were carried out for different mechanical loads on the induction motor axis and different severities of broken bar defects in the motor rotor, including data regarding the rotor without defects. Ten repetitions were performed for each experimental condition.


1. The complex noises underwater leads to more errors for the velocities measurements of AUV so that it is difficult to determine the accurate navigation and positioning information. 

The novel ariational Bayesian (VB) -based filter (VBF) is proposed and these data is used.

2. The format of data is ".mat".

