Artificial Intelligence
This is a subset of the ASHRAE Global Comfort Database that we used in our study to prove that Deep learning methods performs better than shallow methods predicting the thermal sensation.
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Sequential skeleton and average foot pressure data for normal and five pathological gaits (i.e., antalgic, lurching, steppage, stiff-legged, and Trendelenburg) were simultaneously collected. The skeleton data were collected by using Azure Kinect (Microsoft Corp. Redmond, WA, USA). The average foot pressure data were collected by GW1100 (GHIWell, Korea). 12 healthy subjects participated in data collection. They simulated the pathological gaits under strict supervision. A total of 1,440 data instances (12 people x 6 gait types x 20 walkings) were collected.
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A synthetic signal dataset of 12 different modulations (including PSK, QPSK, 8PSK, QFSK, 8FSK, 16APSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, 4PAM, LFM, DSB-SC, and SSBSC) with different DOAs (discrete angles ranging from -60° to 60° with the step size of 1°) is generated using MATLAB 2021a. Regarding the signal model configuration for the data generation, we specify a uniform linear antenna array of M = 5 elements to acquire incoming signals having N = 1024 envelope complex samples, thus conducting an I/Q data array of size 1024 × 2 × 5.
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We elaborate on the dataset collected from our testbed developed at Washington University in St. Louis, to perform real-world IIoT operations, carrying out attacks that are more prelevant against IIoT systems. This dataset is to be utilized in the research of AI/ML based security solutions to tackle the intrusion problem.
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This dataset includes the rotor geometry image (*.png) and motor parameters (*.csv) of interior permanent magnet synchronous motors. The rotor geometry covers three structures: 2D-, V-, and Nabla-structures. The motor parameters are generated by machine learning based on the finite element analysis results. The software JMAG Designer 19.1 was used for the finite element analysis.
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FMFCC-A: A Challenging Mandarin Dataset for Synthetic Speech Detection
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This dataset contains actual field/experimental data for the following environmental engineering applications, namely:
- Concentration data generated from filtration systems which treat influents, having contaminant materials, via adsorption process.
- Streamflow height data collated for 50 states/cities in America for the historical period between 1900-2018.
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