Biomedical and Health Sciences
The data provided corresponds to the open-source codes and reference images from a computer interface for real-time gait biofeedback using a Wearable Integrated Sensor System for Data Acquisition.
This data is the supplmementary material of the publication I. Sanz-Pena, J. Blanco and J. H. Kim, "Computer Interface for Real-Time Gait Biofeedback Using a Wearable Integrated Sensor System for Data Acquisition," in IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems,
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Microwave-based breast cancer detection is a growing field that has been investigated as a potential novel method for breast cancer detection. Breast microwave sensing (BMS) systems use low-powered, non-ionizing microwave signals to interrogate the breast tissues. While some BMS systems have been evaluated in clinical trials, many challenges remain before these systems can be used as a viable clinical option, and breast phantoms (breast models) allow for rigorous and controlled experimental investigations.
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The original datasets are NPInter4158 [1], NPInter10412 [2], RPI7317 [3], RPI2241 [4], and RPI369 [4]. Only positive samples of them were used in our work.
We used a different strategy to select more reliable negative samples rather than randomly pairing, which was originally introduced by Zhang et al. in the LPI-CNNCP [5] study.
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1.Visualization of convolutional neural network layers for one participant at ROI 301 * 301
2.Convolutional neural network structure analysis in Matlab
3.Convolutional neural network Matlab code
4.Videos of brightness mode (B-mode) ultrasound images from two participants during the recorded walking trials at 5 different speeds
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This dataset consists of EEG data of 40 epileptic seizure patients (both male and female) of age from 4 to 80 years. The raw data was collected from Allengers VIRGO EEG machine at Medisys Hospitals, Hyderabad, India. The EEG electrodes were placed according to 10 – 20 International standard. The EEG data was recorded from 16 channels (FP2-F4, F4-C4, C4-P4, P4-O2, FP1-F3, F3-C3, C3-P3, P3-O1, FP2-F8, F8-T4, T4-T6, T6-O2, FP1-F7, F7-T3, T3-T5, and T5-O1) at 256 samples per second.
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This dataset is taken from 20 subjects over a duration of 1 hour where experiments were done on the upper body bio-impedance with the following objectives:
a) Evaluate the effect of externally induced perturbance at the SE interface caused by motion, applied pressure, temperature variation and posture change on bio-impedance measurements.
b) Evaluate the degree of distortion due to artefact at multiple frequencies (10kHz-100kHz) in the bio-impedance measurements.
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The dataset consists of two classes: COVID-19 cases and Healthy cases
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Recent advances in computational power availibility and cloud computing has prompted extensive research in epileptic seizure detection and prediction. EEG (electroencephalogram) datasets from ‘Dept. of Epileptology, Univ. of Bonn’ and ‘CHB-MIT Scalp EEG Database’ are publically available datasets which are the most sought after amongst researchers. Bonn dataset is very small compared to CHB-MIT. But still researchers prefer Bonn as it is in simple '.txt' format. The dataset being published here is a preprocessed form of CHB-MIT. The dataset is available in '.csv' format.
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This dataset contains video sequences and stereo reconstruction results supporting the IEEE Access contribution "Stereo laryngoscopic impact site prediction for droplet-based stimulation of the laryngeal adductor reflex" (J. F. Fast et al.).
See readme file for further information.
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The MAUS dataset focused on collecting easy-acquired physiological signals under different mental demand conditions. We used the N-back task to stimuli different mental workload statuses. This dataset can help in developing a mental workload assessment system based on wearable device, especially for that PPG-based system. MAUS dataset provides ECG, Fingertip-PPG, Wrist-PPG, and GSR signal. User can make their own comparison between Fingertip-PPG and Wrist-PPG. Some study can be carried out in this dataset
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