Artefacts due to Skin electrode impedance disturbance in multi-frequency bio-impedance measurements

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This dataset is taken from 20 subjects over a duration of 1 hour where experiments were done on the upper body bio-impedance with the following objectives:

a)     Evaluate the effect of externally induced perturbance at the SE interface caused by motion, applied pressure, temperature variation and posture change on bio-impedance measurements.

b)     Evaluate the degree of distortion due to artefact at multiple frequencies (10kHz-100kHz) in the bio-impedance measurements.

c)     Evaluate the repeatability of induced impedance change due to external perturbance.

d)     Create a multi-frequency body bio-impedance dataset to develop an algorithm identifying features specific to induced artefacts, and subsequently, to employ artefact suppression.


The dataset contains artefact labels for bio-impedance data at ten frequencies, skin-electrode impedance data from four electrodes in tetrapolar configuration and accelerometer data.


(A) Data labelled for artefacts in multi-frequency bio-impedance measurements from 20 subjects over 1 hour of experimentation is provided, with includes: 


1. Bio-impedance data at 10 frequencies from 10kHz to 100kHz (i.e 10KhZ, 20KhZ, 30Khz, 40KhZ, 50KhZ, 60kHz, 70KhZ, 80KhZ, 90KhZ, 100KhZ)

2. Skin electrode-impedance data for four electrodes in tetrapolar configuration at 10 frequencies from 10kHz to 100kHz (i.e 10KhZ, 20KhZ, 30Khz, 40KhZ, 50KhZ, 60kHz, 70KhZ, 80KhZ, 90KhZ, 100KhZ)

3. Artefact Labels at all measured frequencies defined in intervals of 30s

4. Accelerometer data from all subjects


(B) Data Format

1. Bio-impedance data is found in the file "Bio-impedanceData.txt". Data for all subjects is stacked together with columns showing all frequencies in the format of :

   [time_stamp_10kHz], [BI_10kHz],[time_stamp_20kHz], [BI_20kHz],[time_stamp_30kHz], [BI_30kHz],[time_stamp_40kHz], [BI_40kHz],[time_stamp_50kHz], [BI_50kHz],[time_stamp_60kHz], [BI_60kHz],[time_stamp_70kHz], [BI_70kHz],[time_stamp_80kHz], [BI_80kHz],[time_stamp_90kHz], [BI_90kHz],[time_stamp_100kHz], [BI_100kHz]


2. Skin-electrode Impedance for all 4 electrodes is provided in the files : " Skin_Electrode_Impedance_X.txt", where X = 1,2,3,4. Data for all subjects is stacked together with columns showing all frequencies in the format of :

   [time_stamp_10kHz], [SE_10kHz],[time_stamp_20kHz], [SE_20kHz],[time_stamp_30kHz], [SE_30kHz],[time_stamp_40kHz], [SE_40kHz],[time_stamp_50kHz], [SE_50kHz],[time_stamp_60kHz], [SE_60kHz],[time_stamp_70kHz], [SE_70kHz],[time_stamp_80kHz], [SE_80kHz],[time_stamp_90kHz], [SE_90kHz],[time_stamp_100kHz], [SE_100kHz]


3. Labels for each bio-impedance frequency are provided in " Label_XKhZ.txt", where X = 10,20,30,40....,100. Data for all subjects is stacked together with columns at each frequency in the format of :

   [Start_time], [Stop_time],[Label]


4. Accelerometer for all subjects are stacked in "AccelerometerData.txt" in the format : [time_stamp],[X],[Y],[Z]



Submitted by Kanika Dheman on Fri, 05/28/2021 - 07:54


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