electric vehicle
Dual active bridge (DAB) converter is an important converter for electric vehicles, energy storage systems. Data sets are introduced to control the DC-DC power control. Triple phase-shift of DAB is controlled by the range of zero voltage switching. Optimal switching to reduce high current stress DC-DC converter is In presented data sets are used with python program to execute the different stages of machine learning. Performance of all stages are well addressed each data output file.
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Dual active bridge (DAB) converter is an important converter for electric vehicles, energy storage systems. Data sets are introduced to control the DC-DC power control. Triple phase-shift of DAB is controlled by the range of zero voltage switching. Optimal switching to reduce high current stress DC-DC converter is In presented data sets are used with python program to execute the different stages of machine learning. Performance of all stages are well addressed each data output file.
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Health degradation issues in automotive power electronics converter systems (PECs) arise due to repetitive thermomechanical stress experienced during real-world vehicle operation. This stress, caused by heat generated during semiconductor operation within PECs, leads to the degradation of semiconductor's operating life. Estimating the power semiconductor junction temperature (Tj) is crucial for assessing semiconductor degradation in operation. Although physics-of-failure-based models can estimate Tj, they require substantial computational power.
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This dataset is in support of my research paper - Short Circuit Analysis of 666 Wh Li-Ion NMC
Faults and datasets can be copied to submit in fire cause investigation reports or thesis. The simulation is run for 20 hours (72000 seconds) of simulation time for each fault of 100 faults.
PrePrint : (Make sure you have read Caution.)
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Simulation results from EVI-OnDemand estimating need for infrastructure to support electric ride-hailing vehicles in the US.
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This dataset is in support of my research paper 'Comparison of ElectroMagnetic Emissions & Harmonic Analysis of 20 HP Motor Controlled by 3L NPC Inverter'.
Preprint : https://doi.org/10.36227/techrxiv.19687041.v1
This is useful for manufacturers and r&d engineers for product costing. For more information, results, conclusions on this, pls read research paper.
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This provides the code and data used in the paper "Optimal EV Scheduling in Residential Distribution Networks Considering Customer Charging Preferences" by Mailys Le Cam and Barry Hayes.
Some material has been adapated from the OpenDSS help files: http://smartgrid.epri.com/SimulationTool.aspx Some data has been taken from the IEEE test feeders archive: http://sites.ieee.org/pes-testfeeders/
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This dataset is in support of my 2 research papers - 'Short Circuit Analysis of 72Ah Li-Ion BMC - Part I' and 'Short Circuit Analysis of 72Ah Li-Ion BMC - Part II'.
Faults and datasets can be copied to submit in fire cause investigation reports or thesis.
This dataset is a collection of data of battery and BMC faults.
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