Signal Processing
This code was used in some previous our articles, such as:
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Design of novel RF front-end hardware architectures and their associated measurement algorithms.
Research objectives, includes:
RO1: Novel architecture based upon Adaptive Wavelet Band-pass Sampling (AWBS) of RF Analog-to-Information Conversion (AIC).
RO2: Integration of AWBS for increasing the wideband sensing capabilities of real-time spectrum analyzers by using AICs.
RO3: Propose online calibration methods and algorithms for front-end hardware non-idealities compensation.
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Co-cultures are a traditional method for studying the cellular properties of cell to cell interactions among different cell types. How network properties in these multicellular synthetic systems vary from monocultures are of particular interest. Understanding the changes in the functional output of these in vitro spiking neural networks can provide new insights into in vivo systems and how to develop biological system models that better reflect physiological conditions - something of paramount importance to the progress of synthetic biology.
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Violin melody clips expressing happiness, sadness, threat, excitement, and neutrality. Both electric and acoustic violin.
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We provide results of "Robust Visual Tracking Based on Adaptive Extraction and Enhancement of Correlation Filter" on OTB2015 dataset, including the results of proposed tracker with HOG, HOGCN, and deep CNN features.
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For a detailed describtion of this dataset see accompanying publication "Stand-alone Heartbeat Detection in Multidimensional Mechanocardiograms" by Kaisti M., et al. IEEE Sensors 2018, 10.1109/JSEN.2018.2874706. This datasets consists of 29 mechanocardiogram recordings with ECG reference from healthy subjects in supine position. All data were recorded with sensors attached to the sternum using double-sided tape. Mechanocardigrams incude 3-axis accelorometer signals (seismocardiograms) and 3-axis gyroscope signals (gyrocardiograms).
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This database includes data measured by Qualcomm's 60GHz mmWave Radar.
It includes:
Face signature data base: radar face scan data of 206 individuals for face recognition.
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This repository contains ROS bags with measurements related to the article "Forklift Positioning System for Pallet Tracking in Industrial Environments". The dataset includes measurements from UWB tags, IMU, Magnetometer and Px4Flow simulated in Gazebo. Also includes the position estimations calculated using the algorithm described in the related paper.
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Deep learning belongs to the scope of artificial intelligence, which has attracted researchers all over the world. The CNN is one the most popular techniques of deep learning. In this paper, the WLAN (wireless local area network) localization is given by SVD (singular value decomposition) noise-reduction and CNN (convolutional neural network).
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